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OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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2.4 Setting Up Sound Cards

Most sound cards are detected automatically and configured with reasonable values. In YaST, use Hardware > Sound if you want to add a problematic sound card that could not be configured automatically or change the default settings. It is also possible to set up additional sound cards or switch their sequence.

Figure 2-1 Detecting Old Sound Chips

HINT: Probing for Old Sound Chips

If you know a legacy sound board is installed in your computer, let YaST probe for old chips, if YaST cannot find a sound board. Within the pop-up click Yes, probe. See Figure 2-1.

If YaST cannot detect your sound card automatically, proceed as follows:

Figure 2-2 Sound Configuration

  1. Click Add to open a dialog in which to select a sound card vendor and model. Refer to your sound card documentation for the information required. Find a reference list of sound cards supported by ALSA with their corresponding sound modules in /usr/share/doc/packages/alsa/cards.txt and at

    Make your choice and click Next.

  2. In the Sound Card Configuration dialog, choose the configuration level in the first setup screen:

    Quick automatic setup

    You are not required to go through any of the further configuration steps and no sound test is performed. The sound card is configured automatically.

    Normal setup

    Adjust the output volume and play a test sound.

    Advanced setup with possibility to change options

    Customize all settings manually.

    Enable Configure joystick, if you need to configure a joystick. Click Next to continue.

  3. In Sound Card Volume, test your sound configuration and make adjustments to the volume. You should start at about ten percent to avoid damage to your hearing or the speakers. A test sound should be audible when you click Test. If you cannot hear anything, increase the volume. Press Next > Finish to complete the sound configuration.

If you want to change the configuration of a sound card, go to the Sound Configuration dialog, select a displayed Card Model and click Edit. Use Delete to remove a sound card altogether.

Click Other to customize one of the following options manually:


Use this dialog is for setting the volume.

Start Sequencer

For playback of MIDI files, check this option.

Set as Primary Card

Click Set as Primary Card if you want to adjust the sequence of your sound cards. The sound device with index 0 is the default device and thus used by the system and the applications.

The volume and configuration of all sound cards installed are saved when you click Finish. The mixer settings are saved to the file /etc/asound.conf and the ALSA configuration data is appended to the end of the files /etc/modprobe.d/sound and /etc/sysconfig/hardware.

OpenSuSE 10 Quick Start Guide
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