- terms, definitions of, Understanding Labels
- testing and debugging applications, Developing, Testing, and Debugging an Application
- text, color names, Obtaining the Color Names of Labels
- toCaveats method
- code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toChannels method
- code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toColor method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toFooter method
- code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toHeader method
- code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toInternal method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toProtectAs method
- code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toRootPath method, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
- toString method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toText method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toTextLong method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- toTextShort method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
- translation
- labels with font list, Translating the Window Label With the Font List
- privileges needed, Privileged Operations and Labels
- Trusted Extensions APIs, Solaris examples, Understanding Labels
- Trusted Extensions system, detecting, Detecting a Trusted Extensions System
- Trusted Path window, definition of, Trusted X Window System APIs
- Trusted X Window System
- API declarations
- Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
- Trusted X Window System APIs
- client attributes structure, Data Types for X11
- defaults, Default Window Resources
- description of, Trusted X Window System APIs
- input devices, Keyboard, Pointer, and Server Control
- label-clipping API declaration, Label-Clipping APIs
- object attribute structure, Data Types for X11
- object type definition, Data Types for X11
- objects, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
- override-redirect, Override-Redirect Windows
- predefined atoms, Default Window Resources
- privileged tasks, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- properties, Trusted X Window System Security Policy
- property attribute structure, Data Types for X11
- protocol extensions, Trusted X Window System
- root window, Root Window
- security attributes
- contrast with Solaris, Trusted X Window System APIs
- description of, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
security policy, Trusted X Window System Security Policy
- Selection Manager, Selection Manager
- server control, Keyboard, Pointer, and Server Control
- Trusted Path window, Trusted X Window System APIs
- using interfaces, Using Trusted X Window System Interfaces
- tsol_getrhtype() routine, declaration, Obtaining the Remote Host Type
- tsol_lbuild_create() routine
- code example, Creating an Interactive User Interface
- declaration, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
- description of, tsol_lbuild_create() Routine
- tsol_lbuild_destroy() routine, declaration, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
- tsol_lbuild_get() routine
- code example, Creating an Interactive User Interface
- declaration, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
- tsol_lbuild_set() routine
- code example, Creating an Interactive User Interface
- declaration, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
- Web Guard prototype, Administrative Web Guard Prototype
- win_config privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_dac_read privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_dac_write privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_devices privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_dga privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_downgrade_sl privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_fontpath privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_mac_read privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_mac_write privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- win_upgrade_sl privilege, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- windows
- client, security policy, Client Windows
- defaults, Default Window Resources
- description of, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
- override-redirect, security policy, Override-Redirect Windows
- privileges, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
- root, security policy, Root Window
- security policy, Trusted X Window System Security Policy
- X Window System, See Trusted X Window System
- Xlib
- API declarations, Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
- objects, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
- XTsolClientAttributes structure, Data Types for X11
- XTSOLgetClientAttributes() routine, declaration, Accessing Attributes
- XTSOLgetPropAttributes() routine, declaration, Accessing Attributes
- XTSOLgetPropLabel() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Property Label
- XTSOLgetPropUID() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
- XTSOLgetResAttributes() routine
- code example, Obtaining Window Attributes
- declaration, Accessing Attributes
- XTSOLgetResLabel() routine
- code example, Obtaining a Window Label
- declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Label
- XTSOLgetResUID() routine
- code example, Obtaining the Window User ID
- declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window User ID
- XTSOLgetSSHeight() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
- XTSOLgetWorkstationOwner() routine
- code example, Obtaining the X Window Server Workstation Owner ID
- declaration, Accessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID
- XTSOLIsWindowTrusted() routine, declaration, Working With the Trusted Path Window
- XTSOLmakeTPWindow() routine, declaration, Working With the Trusted Path Window
- XTsolPropAttributes structure, Data Types for X11
- XTsolResAttributes structure, Data Types for X11
- XTSOLsetPolyInstInfo() routine, declaration, Setting Window Polyinstantiation Information
- XTSOLsetPropLabel() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Property Label
- XTSOLsetPropUID() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
- XTSOLsetResLabel() routine
- code example, Setting a Window Label
- declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Label
- XTSOLsetResUID() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window User ID
- XTSOLsetSessionHI() routine, declaration, Setting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
- XTSOLsetSessionLO() routine, declaration, Setting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
- XTSOLsetSSHeight() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
- XTSOLsetWorkstationOwner() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID