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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Adding Software With the Solaris Installation GUI

This section describes how to use the Solaris installation GUI to add software to a system on which you have installed the Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS). The Solaris installation GUI installs only the components of the software groups that you skipped when you initially installed the Solaris OS. You cannot upgrade to another software group after installing or upgrading the OS. .

How to Install Software With the Solaris Installation GUI Program

Note - This procedure assumes that the system is running volume management (vold). If your system is not running volume management, see Chapter 3, Accessing Removable Media (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems. This chapter provides information about accessing removable media without volume management.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Decide to install software from a CD, a DVD, or from the network.

    Select one of the following:

    • If you are installing from a CD, insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.

      If you insert theSolaris Languages CDs , the Solaris installation GUI starts automatically. Proceed to Step 5.

    • If you are installing from a DVD, insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.

    • If you are installing from the network, locate the net image of the software you want to install.

  3. Change directories to find the Solaris installation GUI installer.

    Solaris installation GUI installers are located in various directories on the CDs and on the DVD.

    • Solaris 11 Software CDs or DVD.

    • Solaris11 Documentation DVD.

    • Solaris 11 Languages CDs. The Solaris installation GUI starts automatically when the CD is inserted.

  4. Follow the instructions to install the software.
    • From the command line, type the following command:

       % ./installer [options]

      Runs the installer without a GUI.


      Runs without any interactive text console device. Use this option with the -nodisplay option when you include the installer command in a UNIX script for installing software.

    • From a file manager, double-click Installer or installer.

      An Installer window is displayed, followed by the Solaris installation GUI dialog box.

  5. Follow the directions on the screen to install the software.
  6. When you have finished adding software, click Exit.

    The Solaris installation GUI exits.

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