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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Managing Software With the Solaris Product Registry GUI (Task Map)

The following task map describes the software management tasks that you can perform with the Solaris Product Registry.



For Instructions

View installed or uninstalled software with the Solaris Product Registry.

Used for learning about installed or uninstalled software.

How to View Installed or Uninstalled Software Information With the Solaris Product Registry GUI

Install software with the Solaris Product Registry.

You can use the Solaris Product Registry to find software and launch the Solaris installation GUI. This program takes you through the installation of that software.

How to Install Software With the Solaris Product Registry GUI

Uninstall software with the Solaris Product Registry.

Use tor uninstall software with the Solaris Product Registry.

How to Uninstall Software With the Solaris Product Registry GUI

The Solaris Product Registry is a tool to help you manage installed software. After you have installed the software, Product Registry provides a list of all the installed software by using the Solaris installation GUI or the Solaris pkgadd command.

You can use the Solaris Product Registry in a GUI or with a command-line interface (CLI). For more information on how to use the Solaris Product Registry CLI, see Managing Software With the Solaris Product Registry Command-Line Interface (Task Map).

The Solaris Product Registry GUI interface enables you to do the following:

  • View a list of installed and registered software and some software attributes.

  • View all Solaris system products that you installed in their localized version in the System Software Localizations directory.

  • Find and launch an installer.

  • Install additional software products.

  • Uninstall software and individual software packages.

The Solaris Product Registry GUI main window consists of three panes of information:

  • Installed, registered, and removed software

  • Standard attributes of the currently selected software

  • Attributes that are customized and attributes that are internal to the registered software

Figure 19-1 Solaris Product Registry Main Window
Simple screen capture titled Solaris Product Registry. Shows the Registered Software, Summary, and More Information panes.

How to View Installed or Uninstalled Software Information With the Solaris Product Registry GUI

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Start the Solaris Product Registry tool.
    # prodreg &

    The Solaris Product Registry main window is displayed.

  3. Click the turner control to the left of the System Registry directory in the Registered Software box.

    The turner control changes from pointing to the right to pointing downward. You can expand or collapse any item in the registry, except an item that has a text file icon to its left.

    The Software Installed in Registered Software box always contains the following components:

    • The configuration software group that you chose when you installed the Solaris release. Software groups that can be displayed include Reduced Network Support, Core, End User System Support, Developer System Support, Entire Distribution, or Entire Distribution Plus OEM Support.

    • Additional system software, which contains Solaris products that are not part of the software group you chose.

    • Unclassified software that is not a Solaris product or part of the software group. This software includes any package that you installed by using the pkgadd command.

  4. Select directories until you find a software application to view.

    The list expands as you open directories.

  5. To view the attributes, select a directory or file.

    The Product Registry displays attribute information in the System Registry box.

    • For software products that were installed with the Solaris installation GUI, the Solaris Product Registry contains values for at least the following: Title, Version, Location, and Installed on. Items in an expanded list under a product or software group inherit the version information of the product.

    • If all or part of the product was removed with the pkgrm command, a cautionary icon appears next to the software product's name.

How to Install Software With the Solaris Product Registry GUI

You can use Solaris Product Registry to find software and launch the Solaris installation GUI program. This program takes you through the installation of that software.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Start the Solaris Product Registry tool.
    # prodreg

    The Solaris Product Registry main window is displayed.

  3. Decide if you are installing from a CD, a DVD, or from the network. Select one of the following:
    • If you are installing from a CD, insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.
    • If you are installing from a DVD, insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
    • If you are installing from the network, locate the net image of the software that you want to install.
  4. To view the list of installed and registered software, click the turner control.
  5. Click the New Install button at the bottom of the Solaris Product Registry window.

    The Select Installer dialog box is displayed. This box initially points to the /cdrom directory or the directory you are in.

  6. Select directories to find the Solaris installation GUI installer.

    Solaris installation GUI installers are located in various directories on the CDs and on the DVD.

    • Solaris 10 Software CDs or DVD.

    • Solaris 10 Documentation DVD.

    • Solaris 10 Languages CDs. The Solaris installation GUI automatically starts when the CD is inserted.

  7. When you find the installer you want, select its name in the Files box.
  8. Click OK.

    The installer you selected is launched.

  9. Follow the directions that are displayed by the installer to install the software.

How to Uninstall Software With the Solaris Product Registry GUI

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Start the Solaris Product Registry tool.
    # prodreg

    The Solaris Product Registry main window is displayed.

  3. To view the list of installed and registered software, click the turner control.
  4. Select directories until you find the name of the software that you want to uninstall.
  5. Read the software attributes to make sure that this software is the software that you want to uninstall.
  6. Click the Uninstall software-product-name button at the bottom of the Solaris Product Registry window.

    The software product you selected is uninstalled.

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  Published under the terms fo the Public Documentation License Version 1.01. Design by Interspire