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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Creating the Poem paragraph style

Our next example uses the Poem style. We will use the Default style as a starting point.

  1. Click the Styles and Formatting icon Image:Styles3Icon.png or press F11.
  2. Click the Paragraph Styles icon (first from the left).
  3. Right-click Default and choose New.
Create a new style.

This opens the Paragraph Style dialog box, with the Organizer page selected. To create a custom style, you have to understand and configure the top three entries.

Style fields Description
Name This is the name of the style itself, like Heading 1 or Text body. Set (type in the text box) the name to Poem.
Next Style This is the default style that follows the Poem style. When you press Enter while typing text in the Poem style, this style is used. Set this value to Poem. When you press Enter, the text will remain in the Poem style.
Linked with If the Poem style is linked with another, say Default, then any change in Default will affect Poem, just as you saw with Heading in the previous section. For our example, this is not the behavior we want. Set this entry to – None –. This means that Poem is not linked with any other style.

After making these changes, your dialog box should look like the figure below.

Initial configuration for the Poem style. Set the first three entries as shown.

The next step is to configure the alignment and font properties of this style.

  • On the Alignment page, select the Center option.
  • On the Font page, select the 12pt font size.

Click OK to save the new Poem style.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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