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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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You have seen that the Styles and Formatting window provides several predefined styles, such as Heading 1 and Text body. But what if you need something different, like a poem style, that is not in Styles and Formatting? With Writer you can make your own styles to suit your needs.

Chapter 7 (Working with Styles) describes in detail the options on the various pages of the Paragraph Style dialog box. This section provides an example of a typical use of custom paragraph styles.

We create a Poem paragraph style and a Poem Header paragraph style, with the following properties:

  • Poem: Centered, with a font size of 10pt.
  • PoemHeading: Centered, bold, with a 12pt font size.

In addition, a PoemHeading style is to be followed by a Poem style. In other words, when you press Enter, the next paragraph style in the document changes to Poem.

Image:documentation_note.png You may have noticed this behavior already. After you enter a heading using a Heading paragraph style and press Enter, the next style switches to Text body.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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