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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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The Style dialog box

Open the Styles and Formatting window. Select first the category of style you want to create by clicking on the appropriate icon in the top part of the Styles and Formatting window. For example, select the third icon from the left if you want to create a new frame style.

Right-click on the main window and select New from the pop-up menu. If you right-click on an existing style, the new style will be linked to the style you clicked on. If you right-click on an empty area, then the initial settings of the style are copied from the Default style of the corresponding category.

The dialog box that is displayed depends on the type of style you selected. Many of the pages are the same as those that are displayed when manual formatting is applied. Therefore, if you are familiar with manual formatting, you will find that you already know how to use most of the options. The dialog box used to create a new style and to modify an existing one is exactly the same.

Image:Tip.png An exception to the above rule is conditional styles, which have a different dialog box. See Working with conditional paragraph styles.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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