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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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The Organizer page

When creating a new style, the first page you need to set up is the Organizer, which is shown below. This page is common to all style categories. Therefore, it is described only once.

The Organizer page displayed when a new style is created.

Depending on the style you are creating, you will find the following information on this page:

  • Name: present on all the categories—use this field to give a name to the style you are creating.
  • AutoUpdate: this option is only present for paragraph and frame styles. If it is checked, then OOo will apply any modification made manually to a paragraph formatted with that style to the style itself.
Image:documentation_caution.png If you are in the habit of manually overriding styles in your document, be sure that AutoUpdate is not enabled, or you will suddenly find whole sections of your document reformatting unexpectedly.
  • Next Style: this field is only available for paragraph and page styles. Use it to specify which style will be applied to the next element. It is customary, for example, to have a left page style followed by a right page, a first page followed by a left page, a heading followed by body text, and so on. You will see in the example later about how this property is used. Predefined paragraph styles for lists or bullets also make large use of the Next Style property.
  • Linked with: this field is available for paragraph, character, and frame styles; it determines the position of the style in the hierarchy. When creating a new style and linking it to an existing style, all the starting properties of the style are copied from the linked style. Refer to Understanding linked styles for further information on how linked styles work.
  • Category: this field is available for all style categories of styles, and it allows you to associate the new style to one of the categories. Note that you cannot change the category of the predefined styles. Setting this field is useful when filtering the contents of the Styles and Formatting window.
  • Contains section: the lower part of the Organizer page shows a summary of the properties of the style.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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