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Exporting KPresenter presentations to a Memory Stick

Some Sony projectors have the ability to run a presentation directly from a Memory Stick™, without needing to connect a computer up to the projector. KPresenter can export presentations to the format required by these projectors, and this tutorial will show you how to export your presentation.

Each exported slideshow consists of a series of image files (one for each slide in the original presentation, plus two title slides) and an index file. They are created in a fairly complex directory structure that allows more than one presentation to be stored on a single memory stick. A simple example is shown below, consisting of two presentations.

  1. If the presentation that you want to export is not already open, go to File Open... and select the presentation that you want to export.

  2. Now, select the File menu and choose Create Memory Stick Slideshow... .

    The KPresenter Create Memory Stick
Slideshow... menu selection.
  3. This will bring up the Create Memory Stick Slideshow dialog.

    The KPresenter Create Memory Stick
Slideshow dialog.

    The Path is the directory in which your presentation will be exported to as directories (DCIM and MSSONY, see the directory structure diagram above) will be created. If you are able to, you may wish to export directly to the Memory Stick™, in which case you would enter the location of the medium here.

    The Title is used for both the name of the index file, and as a text label on the title slide. Note that this title does not affect the titles on any of the normal presentation slides - the title slide is visible using the Sony projector setup prior to starting the actual presentation display.

    Select the Set Colors option to expand the dialog:

    The KPresenter Create Memory Stick
Slideshow dialog (extended).

    These two color selectors are only used for the title slide. It can be useful to change the title slides to make the presentations easier to identify when working on the projector, though it is perfectly safe to leave them as default.

    You can then press the OK button to proceed with the actual export process.

  4. Your presentation will now be exported into the correct format, with the following dialog informing you of the progress of this process:

    The KPresenter Create Memory Stick
Slideshow progress dialog.

    When the export is complete, you can select the Done button, and the dialog will close.

  5. If you did not export the slideshow directly onto a Memory Stick™, you will need to copy the correct files onto the Memory Stick™ before you can utilise the projector. As noted above, you need to copy over the correct directories and files starting at DCIM and MSSONY into the "root", or / of the Memory Stick™. It is critical that the directory structure is maintained, and you may find it easier to copy the whole of DCIM and MSSONY directories.

    If necessary, you can safely rename the index file (which is Slideshow.SPP by default), however you cannot rename the slide images, nor can you change the name of these directories, as these are encoded into the index file.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire