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3.8. The "Go" menu

The Wireshark Go menu contains the fields shown in Table 3.5, “Go menu items”.

Figure 3.6. The "Go" Menu

The "Go" Menu

Table 3.5. Go menu items

Menu Item Accelerator Description
Back Alt+Left

Jump to the recently visited packet in the packet history, much like the page history in a web browser.

Forward Alt+Right

Jump to the next visited packet in the packet history, much like the page history in a web browser.

Go to Packet... Ctrl-G

Bring up a dialog box that allows you to specify a packet number, and then goes to that packet. See Section 6.9, “Go to a specific packet” for details.

Go to Corresponding Packet

Go to the corresponding packet of the currently selected protocol field. If the selected field doesn't correspond to a packet, this item is greyed out.

Previous Packet Ctrl+Up

Move to the previous packet in the list. This can be used to move to the previous packet even if the packet list doesn't have keyboard focus.

Next Packet Ctrl+Down

Move to the next packet in the list. This can be used to move to the previous packet even if the packet list doesn't have keyboard focus.

First Packet Ctrl+Home

Jump to the first packet of the capture file.

Last Packet Ctrl+End

Jump to the last packet of the capture file.

  Published under the terms fo the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire