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Using Samba
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4.3.2 include

This option, discussed in greater detail earlier, copies the target file into the current configuration file at the point specified, as shown in Figure 4.1. This option also takes advantage of the variables specified earlier in the chapter, which is useful in the event that you want load configuration options based on the machine name or user of the client that it connecting. You can use this option as follows:

	include = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.%m

If the configuration file specified does not exist, the option is ignored. Remember that any option specified previously is overridden. In Figure 4.1, all three options will override their previous values.

Figure 4.1: The include option in a Samba configuration file

Figure 4.1

The include option cannot understand the variables %u (user), %p (current share's rout directory), or %s (current share) because they are not set at the time the file is read.

Using Samba
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