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Using Samba
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As mentioned earlier, Samba appears in Unix as a set of daemon programs. You can view them with the Unix ps and netstat commands, you can read any messages they generate through custom debug files or the Unix syslog (depending on how Samba is set up), and you can configure it from a single Samba properties file: . In addition, if you want to get an idea of what each of the daemons are doing, Samba has a program called that will lay it all on the line. Here is how it works:

# smbstatus

Samba version 2.0.4
Service      uid      gid      pid     machine
network      davecb   davecb   7470   phoenix  ( Sun May 16 
network      davecb   davecb   7589   chimaera ( Sun May 16 

Locked files:
Pid    DenyMode   R/W        Oplock          Name
7589   DENY_NONE  RDONLY     EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /home/samba/quicken/inet/common/system/help.bmp   Sun May 16 21:23:40 1999
7470   DENY_WRITE RDONLY     NONE            /home/samba/word/office/findfast.exe   
Sun May 16 20:51:08 1999
7589   DENY_WRITE RDONLY     EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /home/samba/quicken/lfbmp70n.dll   Sun May 16 21:23:39 1999
7589   DENY_WRITE RDWR       EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /home/samba/quicken/inet/qdata/runtime.dat   Sun May 16 21:23:41 1999
7470   DENY_WRITE RDONLY     EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /home/samba/word/office/osa.exe   
Sun May 16 20:51:09 1999
7589   DENY_WRITE RDONLY     NONE            /home/samba/quicken/qversion.dll   Sun May 16 21:20:33 1999
7470   DENY_WRITE RDONLY     NONE                             /home/samba/quicken/qversion.dll   Sun May 16 20:51:11 1999

Share mode memory usage (bytes):
   1043432(99%) free + 4312(0%) used + 832(0%) overhead = 1048576(100%) total

The Samba status from this output provides three sets of data, each divided into separate sections. The first section tells which systems have connected to the Samba server, identifying each client by its machine name ( phoenix and chimaera) and IP address. The second section reports the name and status of the files that are currently in use on a share on the server, including the read/write status and any locks on the files. Finally, Samba reports the amount of memory it has currently allocated to the shares that it administers, including the amount actively used by the shares plus additional overhead. (Note that this is not the same as the total amount of memory that the smbd or nmbd processes are using.)

Don't worry if you don't understand these statistics; they will become easier to understand as you move through the book.

Using Samba
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