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Samba HowTo Guide
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How to Recognize If cupsaddsmb Completed Successfully

You must always check if the utility completed successfully in all fields. You need at minimum these three messages among the output:

  1. Printer Driver infotec_2105 successfully installed. # (for the W32X86 == Windows NT/200x/XP architecture).

  2. Printer Driver infotec_2105 successfully installed. # (for the WIN40 == Windows 9x/Me architecture).

  3. Successfully set [printerXPZ] to driver [printerXYZ].

These messages are probably not easily recognized in the general output. If you run cupsaddsmb with the -a parameter (which tries to prepare all active CUPS printer drivers for download), you might miss if individual printer drivers had problems installing properly. A redirection of the output will help you analyze the results in retrospective.

If you get:

SetPrinter call failed!

it means that you might have set use client driver = yes for this printer. Setting it to “no” will solve the problem. Refer to the smb.conf man page for explanation of the use client driver .

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