Sample smb.conf Add Group Script
A script to create complying group names for use by the Samba group interfaces
is provided in This script
adds a temporary entry in the /etc/group file and then renames
it to the desired name. This is an example of a method to get around operating
system maintenance tool limitations such as those present in some version of the
# Add the group using normal system groupadd tool.
groupadd smbtmpgrp00
thegid=`cat /etc/group | grep ^smbtmpgrp00 | cut -d ":" -f3`
# Now change the name to what we want for the MS Windows networking end
cp /etc/group /etc/group.bak
cat /etc/group.bak | sed "s/^smbtmpgrp00/$1/g" > /etc/group
rm /etc/group.bak
# Now return the GID as would normally happen.
echo $thegid
exit 0
The smb.conf entry for the above script shown in
the configuration of
smb.conf for the add group Script demonstrates how it may be used.
Example11.2.Configuration of smb.conf for the add group Script
add group script = /path_to_tool/ "%g"