Flushing the Samba NetBIOS Name Cache
How Can One Flush the Samba NetBIOS Name Cache without Restarting Samba?
process controls all browse list handling. Under normal circumstances it is
safe to restart
. This will effectively flush the Samba NetBIOS name cache and cause it
to be rebuilt. This does not make certain that a rogue machine name will not reappear
in the browse list. When
is taken out of service, another machine on the network will
become the browse master. This new list may still have the rogue entry in it. If you really
want to clear a rogue machine from the list, every machine on the network must be
shut down and restarted after all machines are down. Failing a complete restart, the only
other thing you can do is wait until the entry times out and is then flushed from the list.
This may take a long time on some networks (perhaps months).