23.1.1. Getting the Backtrace from Core Dumps
If you get a core dump (segmentation fault),
send a backtrace if possible. Before you try to
produce it, rebuild mod_perl with:
panic% perl Makefile.PL PERL_DEBUG=1
which will:
Set PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL=2 (additional checks
during Perl cleanup)
Link against libperld, if it exists
You can read a full explanation in Chapter 21, but
here is a summary of how to get a backtrace:
panic% cd mod_perl-1.xx
panic% gdb ../apache_1.3.xx/src/httpd
(gdb) run -X -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -d `pwd`/t
[now make request that causes core dump]
(gdb) bt
In English: cd to the mod_perl source directory
and start gdb with a path to the
httpd binary, which is located in the Apache
source tree. (Of course, replace x with real
version numbers.) Next, start the httpd process
from within gdb and issue a request that causes
a core dump. When the code has died with the
SIGSEGVsignal, run bt to get
the backtrace.
Alternatively, you can also attach to an already running process like
panic% gdb httpd <process id number>
If the dump is happening in libperl, you have to
rebuild Perl with -DDEBUGGING enabled during the
./Configure stage. A quick way to this is to go
to your Perl source tree and run these commands:
panic% rm *.[oa]
panic% make LIBPERL=libperld.a
panic% cp libperld.a $Config{archlibexp}/CORE
where $Config{archlibexp} is:
% perl -V:archlibexp