Example 13-15. bench_call1.pl
package Book::LightSub;
use strict;
use Benchmark;
sub bar { };
timethese(1_000_000, {
method => sub { Book::LightSub->bar( ) },
function => sub { Book::LightSub::bar('Book::LightSub');},
The two calls are equivalent, since both pass the class name as their
first parameter; function does this explicitly,
while method does this transparently.
Here's the benchmarking result:
Benchmark: timing 1000000 iterations of function, method...
function: 2 wallclock secs ( 1.36 usr + 0.05 sys = 1.41 CPU)
method: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.57 usr + -0.03 sys = 2.54 CPU)
We see that the function call is almost twice as fast as the method
call: 1.41 CPU clocks compared to 2.54. Why is this? With a function
call we give Perl the fully qualified function name and set up its
call stack ourselves by passing in the package (class) name. With a
method call Perl must work out the package (class) name for itself,
then search the inheritance tree to find the required method, then
set up the call stack. So in the case of a method call Perl must do a
lot more work and is therefore slower.
Perl 5.6.0 and higher do better method caching than older Perl
versions. Book::LightSub->method( ) is a little
bit faster (as it does better constant-folding magic), but not
Book::LightSub->$method( ). The improvement
does not address the @ISA lookup that still
happens in either case.