First download the latest version of AxKit, which you can get either
from your local CPAN archive or from the AxKit download directory at Then type the
Now we need to add some simple options to the very end of our
httpd.conf file:
PerlModule AxKit
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler AxKit
AxDebugLevel 10
PerlSetVar AxXPSInterpolate 1
This configuration makes it look as though AxKit will deliver all of
your files, but don't worry: if it
doesn't detect XML at the URL you supply, it will
let httpd deliver the content. If
you're still concerned, put all but the first
configuration directive in a <Location>
section. Note that the first line, PerlModule
AxKit, must appear in httpd.conf
outside of any runtime configuration blocks. Otherwise, Apache cannot
see the AxKit configuration directives and you will get errors when
you try to start httpd.
Now, assuming you have XML::XPath installed (try
perl -MXML::XPath -e0 on the command line to
check), restart Apache. You are now ready to begin publishing
transformed XML with AxKit!