Here's how the CGI script begins:
# This variation of the classic hangman game implements
# the game logic at the start of the CGI script to
# define a game state. It then processes an all-in-one
# template to generate the HTML page.
# The 'state' variable maintains the state of the game.
# It contains the following:
# word => the unknown word
# guessed => list of the guessed letters
# gameno => the number of words the user has tried
# won => the number of times the user guessed correctly
# total => the total number of incorrect guesses
# left => the number of tries the user has left on this turn
use IO::File ( );
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Template;
use strict;
use constant URL => '/cgi-bin/';
use constant ICONS => '/icons/hangman';
use constant WORDS => '/usr/games/hangman-words';
use constant TRIES => 6;
Nothing too taxing here. We provide some sensible comments, load the
Perl modules we're going to use (including the
Template module, of course), and define some constants.
Next comes the core application logic:
# retrieve the state
my $state = get_state( );
# reinitialize if we need to
$state = initialize($state) if !$state or param('restart');
# process the current guess, if any
my ($message, $status) = process_guess(param('guess') || '', $state );
We first call the get_state( )subroutine to
restore any current game state from the CGI parameters.
We'll see the definition of that subroutine a little
later. For now, all we need to know is that it might return
undef, indicating that there
isn't any current state. In this case, or if the
restart CGI parameter is set, we need to call
initialize( ) to set the state to contain some
sensible starting values.
Then we call process_guess( ) to process any
pending guess. We pass the value of the guess CGI
parameter or an empty string if not defined, and also a reference to
the $state hash array. The subroutine returns a
message and a status value that indicates the current state of play.
Now that we've got the application processing out of
the way, we can set about generating some output. To do this, we
create a Template object and call its
process( ) method, specifying a template to
process and a hash reference containing template variables:
# create a Template object
my $tt = Template->new( );
# define Template variables
my $vars = {
url => URL,
icons => ICONS,
tries => TRIES,
title => 'Template Toolkit Hangman #1',
state => $state,
status => $status,
message => $message,
wordmap => \&wordmap,
# process the main template at the end of this file
$tt->process(*DATA, $vars) || die $tt->error( );
In this example we're going to define the main
template in the _ _DATA_ _section of the CGI
script itself. The Template process( ) methods
allows a file handle such as *DATA to be specified
in place of a template name and will read the content and process it
accordingly. Doing this allows us to separate the game logic written
in Perl from the presentation template that generates the HTML page,
with the benefit of being able to keep everything self-contained in a
single file.
That's the main body of the Perl code. Before we
look at the template defined at the end of the file,
let's look at the subroutine definitions.
The get_state( )subroutine reads the values of a
number of CGI parameters and populates them into the
$state hash, which it then returns:
sub get_state {
return undef unless param( );
my $state = { };
foreach (qw(word gameno left won total guessed)) {
$state->{$_} = param($_);
return $state;
The initializesubroutine is called to start a new
game. It picks a new random word and updates the existing
$state hash or creates a new one:
sub initialize {
my $state = shift || { };
# pick a word, any word
my $list = IO::File->new(WORDS)
|| die "Couldn't open ${\WORDS}: $!\n";
my $word;
rand($.) < 1 && ($word = $_) while <$list>;
chomp $word;
# setup state
$state->{word} = $word;
$state->{left} = TRIES;
$state->{guessed} = '';
$state->{gameno} += 1;
$state->{won} += 0;
$state->{total} += 0;
return $state;
The process_guess( )subroutine contains the core
of the game logic. It processes the guess passed as the first
argument and updates the current state passed as the second. It
returns two values: a message for displaying to the user and a status
flag indicating the current state of play.
sub process_guess {
my($guess, $state) = @_;
# lose immediately if user has no more guesses left
return ('', 'lost') unless $state->{left} > 0;
my %guessed = map { $_ => 1 } $state->{guessed} =~ /(.)/g;
my %letters = map { $_ => 1 } $state->{word} =~ /(.)/g;
# return immediately if user has already guessed the word
return ('', 'won') unless grep(!$guessed{$_}, keys %letters);
# do nothing more if no guess
return ('', 'continue') unless $guess;
# This section processes individual letter guesses
$guess = lc $guess;
return ("Not a valid letter or word!", 'error')
unless $guess =~ /^[a-z]+$/;
return ("You already guessed that letter!", 'error')
if $guessed{$guess};
# This section is called when the user guesses the whole word
if (length($guess) > 1 and $guess ne $state->{word}) {
$state->{total} += $state->{left};
return ( qq{Loser! The word was "$state->{word}."}, 'lost')
# update the list of guesses
foreach ($guess =~ /(.)/g) { $guessed{$_}++; }
$state->{ guessed } = join '', sort keys %guessed;
# correct guess -- word completely filled in
unless (grep(!$guessed{$_}, keys %letters)) {
return (qq{Bingola! The word was "$state->{word}."}, 'won');
# incorrect guess
if (!$letters{$guess}) {
# user out of turns
return (qq{The jig is up! The word was "$state->{word}".}, 'lost')
if $state->{left} <= 0;
# user still has some turns
return ('Wrong guess!', 'continue');
# correct guess but word still incomplete
return (qq{Good guess!}, 'continue');
In addition to these subroutines that are called from Perl, we also
define wordmap( ) and bind it by reference to the
corresponding wordmap template argument. This
allows it to be called from within the template.
sub wordmap {
my($word, $guessed) = @_;
my %guessed = map { $_ => 1 } $guessed =~ /(.)/g;
join '', map { $guessed{$_} ? "$_ " : '_ ' } $word =~ /(.)/g;
The subroutine expects to be passed the current word and a string
containing the letters previously guessed. It returns a string
representing the word with only the guessed letters shown and the
others blanked out.
In the opening segment, we first define the content type and general
HTML headers. This is followed by a directive that defines a
particular format for displaying floating-point
numbers, done by means of a standard format
plug-in loaded via the USE directive. We then go
on to calculate the number of tries remaining and the current game
averages, storing them in a hash array named
This next section displays the game title and the appropriate image
for the number of tries left. It then generates a table to display
the current game averages. Note that the format is
now used to display the floating-point averages to a fixed precision.
This is where we display the current word with unguessed letters
blanked out. We're using the
wordmap variable, which results in a call back to
our wordmapsubroutine. We pass the current word
and string of guessed letters as arguments:
Is there a message to display? If so, this code makes it stand out as
a red level-2 heading; otherwise, it does nothing.
We're taking the simple approach and using hidden
form variables to maintain the state of the game between requests.
The FOREACH loop shown above generates these
fields for each of state.word,
state.gameno, state.left,
state.won,, and
state.guessed. Rather than spelling out each one,
it uses an interpolated variable, state.$var. The
leading $ means that the value of the
var variable is used to specify the intended item
in state. In Perl, this would be just like writing
$state->{ $var }.
If the current game status is "won"
or "lost", the game is over and we
generate a button allowing the player to start a new game. Otherwise,
it's business as usual and we generate an input
field for the guess before closing up the form.
Finally, we have the page footer to add some trailing text and tidy
up everything nicely:
And that's it! We now have a self-contained CGI
script that can be installed and run from a
cgi-bin directory with little or no configuration
required (see Figure D-2).