Read and understand the
maildrop queue,
incoming queue,
active queue discussions in the
Run a local name server to reduce slow-down due to DNS
lookups. If you run multiple Postfix systems, point each local name
server to a shared forwarding server to reduce the number of lookups
across the upstream network link.
Eliminate unnecessary LDAP lookups, by specifying a domain
filter. This eliminates lookups for addresses in remote domains,
and eliminates lookups of partial addresses. See
ldap_table(5) for
When Postfix responds slowly to SMTP clients:
Look for obvious signs
of trouble as described in the DEBUG_README document, and
eliminate those problems first.
Turn off your
header_checks and
body_checks patterns and
see if the problem goes away.
Turn off chroot
operation as described in the DEBUG_README document and see
if the problem goes away.
If Postfix logs the SMTP client as "unknown" then you have
a name service problem: the name server is bad, or the resolv.conf
file contains bad information, or some packet filter is blocking
the DNS requests or replies.
If the number of
smtpd(8) processes has reached the process
limit as specified in master.cf, new SMTP clients must wait until
a process becomes available. Increase the number of processes if
memory permits. See the instructions given under "Tuning the number of Postfix processes".