This is the Perl subroutine that implements the example greylist
policy. It is part of a general purpose sample policy server that
is distributed with the Postfix source as
# greylist status database and greylist time interval. DO NOT create the
# greylist status database in a world-writable directory such as /tmp
# or /var/tmp. DO NOT create the greylist database in a file system
# that can run out of space.
# Demo SMTPD access policy routine. The result is an action just like
# it would be specified on the right-hand side of a Postfix access
# table. Request attributes are available via the %attr hash.
sub smtpd_access_policy {
my($key, $time_stamp, $now);
# Open the database on the fly.
open_database() unless $database_obj;
# Lookup the time stamp for this client/sender/recipient.
$key =
lc $attr{"client_address"}."/".$attr{"sender"}."/".$attr{"recipient"};
$time_stamp = read_database($key);
$now = time();
# If new request, add this client/sender/recipient to the database.
if ($time_stamp == 0) {
$time_stamp = $now;
update_database($key, $time_stamp);
# The result can be any action that is allowed in a Postfix
access(5) map.
# To label the mail, return ``PREPEND headername: headertext''
# In case of success, return ``DUNNO'' instead of ``OK'', so that the
check_policy_service restriction can be followed by other restrictions.
# In case of failure, return ``DEFER_IF_PERMIT optional text...'',
# so that mail can still be blocked by other access restrictions.
syslog $syslog_priority, "request age %d", $now - $time_stamp if $verbose;
if ($now - $time_stamp > $greylist_delay) {
return "dunno";
} else {
return "
defer_if_permit Service temporarily unavailable";