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Postfix Documentation
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Postfix Installation From Source Code

1 - Purpose of this document

This is a bootstrap document that helps you get Postfix up and running from scratch with the minimal number of steps. If you are using a pre-compiled version of Postfix, you should be reading the general Postfix documentation which aims to describe the system in more detail. This bootstrap document should not be considered part of the general Postfix documentation.

This document describes how to build, install and configure a Postfix system so that it can do one of the following:

  • Send mail only, without changing an existing Sendmail installation.
  • Send and receive mail via a virtual host interface, still without any change to an existing Sendmail installation.
  • Run Postfix instead of Sendmail.

Topics covered in this document:

  1. Purpose of this document
  2. Typographical conventions
  3. Documentation
  4. Building on a supported system
  5. Porting Postfix to an unsupported system
  6. Installing the software after successful compilation
  7. Configuring Postfix to send mail only
  8. Configuring Postfix to send and receive mail via virtual interface
  9. Running Postfix instead of Sendmail
  10. Mandatory configuration file edits
  11. To chroot or not to chroot
  12. Care and feeding of the Postfix system
Postfix Documentation
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