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Postfix Documentation
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Building Postfix with CDB

Postfix is compatible with two CDB implementations:

Tinycdb is preferred, since it is a bit faster, has additional useful functionality and is much simpler to use.

To build Postfix after you have installed tinycdb, use something like:

% make tidy
% CDB=../../../tinycdb-0.5
% make -f Makefile.init makefiles "CCARGS=-DHAS_CDB -I$CDB" \
% make

Alternatively, for the D.J.B. version of CDB:

% make tidy
% CDB=../../../cdb-0.75
% make -f Makefile.init makefiles "CCARGS=-DHAS_CDB -I$CDB" \
    "AUXLIBS=$CDB/cdb.a $CDB/alloc.a $CDB/buffer.a $CDB/unix.a $CDB/byte.a"
% make

After Postfix has been built with cdb support, you can use "cdb" tables wherever you can use read-only "hash", "btree" or "dbm" tables. However, the "postmap -i" (incremental record insertion) and "postmap -d" (incremental record deletion) command-line options are not available. For the same reason the "cdb" map type cannot be used to store the persistent address verification cache for the verify(8) service, or to store TLS session information for the tlsmgr(8) service.

Postfix Documentation
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