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Postfix Documentation
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Postfix CDB Howto


CDB (Constant DataBase) is an indexed file format designed by Daniel Bernstein. CDB is optimized exclusively for read access and guarantees that each record will be read in at most two disk accesses. This is achieved by forgoing support for incremental updates: no single-record inserts or deletes are supported. CDB databases can be modified only by rebuilding them completely from scratch, hence the "constant" qualifier in the name.

Postfix CDB databases are specified as "cdb:name", where name specifies the CDB file name without the ".cdb" suffix (another suffix, ".tmp", is used temporarily while a CDB file is under construction). CDB databases are maintained with the postmap(1) or postalias(1) command. The DATABASE_README document has general information about Postfix databases.

CDB support is available with Postfix 2.2 and later releases. This document describes how to build Postfix with CDB support.

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