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Postfix Documentation
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Improvements compared to Postfix 1.1

Postfix 2.0 address classes made the following improvements possible over earlier Postfix versions:

  • You no longer need to specify all the virtual(8) mailbox domains in the Postfix transport map. The virtual(8) delivery agent has become a first-class citizen just like local(8) or smtp(8).

  • On mail gateway systems, address classes provide separation of inbound mail relay traffic ($ relay_transport) from outbound traffic ($ default_transport). This eliminates a problem where inbound mail deliveries could become resource starved in the presence of a high volume of outbound mail.

  • The SMTP server rejects unknown recipients in a more consistent manner than was possible with Postfix version 1. This is needed to keep undeliverable mail (and bounced undeliverable mail) out of the mail queue. This is controlled by the smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient configuration parameter.

  • As of Postfix version 2.1, the SMTP server also rejects unknown sender addresses (i.e. addresses that it would reject as unknown recipient addresses). Sender "egress filtering" can help to slow down an email worm explosion. This is controlled by the smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender configuration parameter.

Postfix Documentation
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