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Xen 3.0 Virtualization Interface Guide
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8.1.2 Data Transfer

Each virtual interface uses two ``descriptor rings'', one for transmit, the other for receive. Each descriptor identifies a block of contiguous machine memory allocated to the domain.

The transmit ring carries packets to transmit from the guest to the backend domain. The return path of the transmit ring carries messages indicating that the contents have been physically transmitted and the backend no longer requires the associated pages of memory.

To receive packets, the guest places descriptors of unused pages on the receive ring. The backend will return received packets by exchanging these pages in the domain's memory with new pages containing the received data, and passing back descriptors regarding the new packets on the ring. This zero-copy approach allows the backend to maintain a pool of free pages to receive packets into, and then deliver them to appropriate domains after examining their headers.

If a domain does not keep its receive ring stocked with empty buffers then packets destined to it may be dropped. This provides some defence against receive livelock problems because an overloaded domain will cease to receive further data. Similarly, on the transmit path, it provides the application with feedback on the rate at which packets are able to leave the system.

Flow control on rings is achieved by including a pair of producer indexes on the shared ring page. Each side will maintain a private consumer index indicating the next outstanding message. In this manner, the domains cooperate to divide the ring into two message lists, one in each direction. Notification is decoupled from the immediate placement of new messages on the ring; the event channel will be used to generate notification when either a certain number of outstanding messages are queued, or a specified number of nanoseconds have elapsed since the oldest message was placed on the ring.

Xen 3.0 Virtualization Interface Guide
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  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire