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Xen 3.0 Virtualization Interface Guide
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8.1.1 Backend Packet Handling

The backend driver is responsible for a variety of actions relating to the transmission and reception of packets from the physical device. With regard to transmission, the backend performs these key actions:

  • Validation: To ensure that domains do not attempt to generate invalid (e.g. spoofed) traffic, the backend driver may validate headers ensuring that source MAC and IP addresses match the interface that they have been sent from.

    Validation functions can be configured using standard firewall rules (iptables in the case of Linux).

  • Scheduling: Since a number of domains can share a single physical network interface, the backend must mediate access when several domains each have packets queued for transmission. This general scheduling function subsumes basic shaping or rate-limiting schemes.

  • Logging and Accounting: The backend domain can be configured with classifier rules that control how packets are accounted or logged. For example, log messages might be generated whenever a domain attempts to send a TCP packet containing a SYN.

On receipt of incoming packets, the backend acts as a simple demultiplexer: Packets are passed to the appropriate virtual interface after any necessary logging and accounting have been carried out.

Xen 3.0 Virtualization Interface Guide
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