kadmin Time Zones
This is a complete listing of the time zones recognized by the
kadmin command.
- gmt
- Greenwich Mean Time
- ut, utc
- Universal Time (Coordinated).
- wet
- Western European Time. (Same as GMT.)
- bst
- British Summer Time. (1 hour ahead of GMT.)
- wat
- West Africa Time. (1 hour behind GMT.)
- at
- Azores Time. (2 hours behind GMT.)
- bst
- Brazil Standard Time. (3 hours behind GMT.) Note that the abbreviation
BST also stands for British Summer Time.
- gst
- Greenland Standard Time. (3 hours behind GMT.) Note that the
abbreviation GST also stands for Guam Standard Time.
- nft
- Newfoundland Time. (3.5 hours behind GMT.)
- nst
- Newfoundland Standard Time. (3.5 hours behind GMT.)
- ndt
- Newfoundland Daylight Time. (2.5 hours behind GMT.)
- ast
- Atlantic Standard Time. (4 hours behind GMT.)
- adt
- Atlantic Daylight Time. (3 hours behind GMT.)
- est
- Eastern Standard Time. (5 hours behind GMT.)
- edt
- Eastern Daylight Time. (4 hours behind GMT.)
- cst
- Central Standard Time. (6 hours behind GMT.)
- cdt
- Central Daylight Time. (5 hours behind GMT.)
- mst
- Mountain Standard Time. (7 hours behind GMT.)
- mdt
- Mountain Daylight Time. (6 hours behind GMT.)
- pst
- Pacific Standard Time. (8 hours behind GMT.)
- pdt
- Pacific Daylight Time. (7 hours behind GMT.)
- yst
- Yukon Standard Time. (9 hours behind GMT.)
- ydt
- Yukon Daylight Time. (8 hours behind GMT.)
- hst
- Hawaii Standard Time. (10 hours behind GMT.)
- hdt
- Hawaii Daylight Time. (9 hours behind GMT.)
- cat
- Central Alaska Time. (10 hours behind GMT.)
- ahst
- Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time. (10 hours behind GMT.)
- nt
- Nome Time. (11 hours behind GMT.)
- idlw
- International Date Line West Time. (12 hours behind GMT.)
- cet
- Central European Time. (1 hour ahead of GMT.)
- met
- Middle European Time. (1 hour ahead of GMT.)
- mewt
- Middle European Winter Time. (1 hour ahead of GMT.)
- mest
- Middle European Summer Time. (2 hours ahead of GMT.)
- swt
- Swedish Winter Time. (1 hour ahead of GMT.)
- sst
- Swedish Summer Time. (1 hours ahead of GMT.)
- fwt
- French Winter Time. (1 hour ahead of GMT.)
- fst
- French Summer Time. (2 hours ahead of GMT.)
- eet
- Eastern Europe Time; Russia Zone 1. (2 hours ahead of GMT.)
- bt
- Baghdad Time; Russia Zone 2. (3 hours ahead of GMT.)
- it
- Iran Time. (3.5 hours ahead of GMT.)
- zp4
- Russia Zone 3. (4 hours ahead of GMT.)
- zp5
- Russia Zone 4. (5 hours ahead of GMT.)
- ist
- Indian Standard Time. (5.5 hours ahead of GMT.)
- zp6
- Russia Zone 5. (6 hours ahead of GMT.)
- nst
- North Sumatra Time. (6.5 hours ahead of GMT.) Note that the
abbreviation NST is also used for Newfoundland Stanard Time.
- sst
- South Sumatra Time; Russia Zone 6. (7 hours ahead of GMT.) Note that
SST is also Swedish Summer Time.
- wast
- West Australian Standard Time. (7 hours ahead of GMT.)
- wadt
- West Australian Daylight Time. (8 hours ahead of GMT.)
- jt
- Java Time. (7.5 hours ahead of GMT.)
- cct
- China Coast Time; Russia Zone 7. (8 hours ahead of GMT.)
- jst
- Japan Standard time; Russia Zone 8. (9 hours ahead of GMT.)
- kst
- Korean Standard Time. (9 hours ahead of GMT.)
- cast
- Central Australian Standard Time. (9.5 hours ahead of GMT.)
- cadt
- Central Australian Daylight Time. (10.5 hours ahead of GMT.)
- east
- Eastern Australian Standard Time. (10 hours ahead of GMT.)
- eadt
- Eastern Australian Daylight Time. (11 hours ahead of GMT.)
- gst
- Guam Standard Time; Russia Zone 9. (10 hours ahead of GMT.)
- kdt
- Korean Daylight Time. (10 hours ahead of GMT.)
- nzt
- New Zealand Time. (12 hours ahead of GMT.)
- nzst
- New Zealand Standard Time. (12 hours ahead of GMT.)
- nzdt
- New Zealand Daylight Time. (13 hours ahead of GMT.)
- idle
- International Date Line East. (12 hours ahead of GMT.)