Adding Extra Keybindings to KDE
Many modern keyboards contain extra keys that are not by default
assigned to any action.
“Multimedia” keys often generate a signal, and can simply
be chosen as a keybinding within an application just like choosing any other
key. Some keys however, are not detected and pressing them in a
Configure Shortcuts
has no effect.
Some IBM laptops, for instance, have extra keys about the left and right
arrows, which look like page left and page
to find the code of the keys. In
this case, they are 233 and 234
Choose key symbols. There are quite a range of these that are not
used by default, so many are free. You can find the list in
(or its equivalent
on your system).
Create a file in your home directory called
, and add to it the following:
keycode 233 = Next_Virtual_Screen
keycode 234 = Prev_Virtual_Screen
Run the command
At this point, you should be able to run
and see that the keys now generate the keysym that you assigned. You can now
simply assign them to any action as normal.