Debian Packages:
MySQL is a common database system used in GNU/Linux. It is
extensively used as the backend database server for the Apache web
server. To quote the Debian information about mysql-server:
The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and easy to use.
MySQL was originally developed because Tcx needed a SQL server that
could handle very big databases with magnitude higher speed than
what any database vendor could offer. They have now been using MySQL
since 1996 in a environment with more than 40 databases, 10,000
tables, of which more than 500 have more than 7 million rows. This
is about 50G of mission critical data.
Under Debian install the package mysql-client
for connecting
to a mysql database server (possibly remote). To run a database server
on your local machine you will need to install
mysql-server. Install mysql-doc
for the full
documentation for MySQL.
The package mysql-navigator
provides a very effective (but
non-Gnome) GUI to MySQL. You can manage the MySQL database server
using this. When started, open a connection to the MySQL server on the
local host with user root. Most (but not all) admin operations can be
performed through the navigator.
A Gnome-based interface, and somewhat easier to use interface, is
provided by the gmyclient. This is not yet packaged for
Debian but using the alien
package creates a Debian package
that installs just fine.
A beginner's tutorial on using MySQL is available from Also see the
full user manual in /usr/share/doc/mysql-doc/index.html.
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