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Managing Paper Reviews

An excellent package for managing the process of paper submission and paper reviews by a program committee is MyReview. Currently it is not packaged for Debian but is readily installed.

The first step is to visit and request a copy of it. Although the package is released under the GPL the author requires users to register before being given the instructions to download the package. Eventually you might get myreview_1_7_3.tar.gz.

For the simplest of installations, just untar the package into /var/www/ to create /var/www/myreview/. You could untar it anywhere and create a symbolic link if you prefer. You will probably need to change all the files to be owned by www-data so that the web server can fully control the files:
Any problem you have along the way with installing the package will probably be due to permissions associated with any of the files in the package. This is a little ugly and could be fixed with proper packaging. But some of the changes that you might find useful include:
$ chmod 666 DBInfo.php
$\ chmod 777 FILES
$ chmod 777 tmpPdf

You need to ensure you are running PHP version 4 (install the packages: libapache-mod-php4 php4-mysql). For version 1 of apache run the apache configure to ensure php4 is chosen as a module:
$\ wajig reconfigure apache
Also, have a look at /etc/apache/httpd.conf to ensure php4 support is enabled:

    # And for PHP 4.x, use:
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

If you have just changed the contents of /etc/apache/httpd.conf you will need to restart the server to have the changes take effect:
$ wajig restart apache

MyReview stores all of its data in MySQL, so ensure you have mysql-client and mysql-server installed and the root password to MySQL properly initialised (see Section 64 for details). Then from inside /var/www/myreview initialise the MySQL database and two users for MyReview:
$\ mysql -u root
mysql> source CreateDB.sql
Query OK, 1 ...
...s affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Now visit https://localhost/myreview and initialise the configuration. From the web interface you can tune most of the package, including the look of all of the web pages and the text of the web pages and email messages.

Some limitations:

  • In the review form would like to record who the reviewer was, if not the PC member themselves.

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