- ext2 (see file systems)
- ext3 (see file system) (see file systems)
- FDP (see Fedora Documentation Project)
- Fedora Documentation Project, Feedback
- file system, Partition Types
- ext3
, Partition Types
, Disk Druid
- vfat
, Disk Druid
- file systems
- ext2, Installation from a Hard Drive
- ext3, Installation from a Hard Drive
- vfat, Installation from a Hard Drive
- firewall
- configuring, Firewall
- documentation, Other Technical Documentation
- package groups, Customizing the Software Selection
- partition
- /home
, Disk Druid
- adding, Disk Druid
- deleting, Disk Druid
- editing, Disk Druid
- illegal, Disk Druid
- root, General Information on Partitions, Disk Druid
- type, Partition Types
- (see also file system)
- PXE (Pre-boot eXecution Environment), Booting from the Network using PXE
- scp, Other Technical Documentation
- (see also SSH)
- SELinux
- configuring, SELinux
- documentation, Other Technical Documentation
- serial console, Configuring the Interface
- Setup Agent, First Boot
- Software Updater, Updating Your System
- SSH (Secure SHell)
- documentation, Other Technical Documentation
- firewall configuration, Firewall
- swap partitions, General Information on Partitions
- syslog, Logging to a Remote System During the Installation