On some networks, the DHCP provider also provides the name of the
computer, or
hostname. To specify the
hostname, select
and type the complete
name in the box. The complete hostname includes both the name of
the machine and the name of the domain of which it is a member,
such as
The machine name (or "short hostname") is
and the
domain name is
To set up a home network that is behind an Internet firewall
or router, you may want to use
for your Fedora system. If you have more than one computer on
this network, you should give each one a separate host name in
this domain.
Valid Hostnames |
You may give your system any name provided that the full
hostname is unique. The hostname may include letters, numbers
and hyphens.
If your Fedora system is connected
to the Internet, you must pay
attention to additional considerations to avoid service
interruptions or risk action by your upstream service provider. A
full discussion of these issues is beyond the scope of this