A pixmap is an off-screen buffer
you can draw graphics into. After drawing into a pixmap,
you can copy it to a window, causing it to appear on the
screen (when the window is visible). (You can also draw
into a window directly, of course. Using a pixmap as a
buffer allows you to rapidly update the screen without
repeating a series of primitive drawing operations.)
Pixmaps are also good to store image data loaded from disk,
such as icons and logos. You can then copy the image to a
window. In GDK, the pixmap type is called GdkPixmap. A pixmap with a single bit
representing each pixel is called a bitmap; GDK's bitmap type is GdkBitmap. "Bitmap" is not really
a separate type; from X's point of view, it is simply a
pixmap with a depth of 1. Like windows, pixmaps are
server-side resources.
In X terminology, a drawable is
anything you can draw graphics on. GDK has a corresponding
type, called GdkDrawable.
Drawables include windows, pixmaps, and bitmaps. Here is
how the types are defined in GDK:
typedef struct _GdkWindow GdkWindow;
typedef struct _GdkWindow GdkPixmap;
typedef struct _GdkWindow GdkBitmap;
typedef struct _GdkWindow GdkDrawable;
On the client side, pixmaps and bitmaps are just GdkWindows with type GDK_WINDOW_PIXMAP. GdkDrawable is used in function
declarations when either a window or a pixmap is an
acceptable argument. Functions that draw graphics take
either type; functions that move windows around or set
window manager hints accept only windows. Only windows can
receive events.
GDK_INPUT_ONLY windows are a special case; they are
not drawables and you can't draw on them.
Three of the four logical combinations of "window features"
and drawability actually exist:
Drawable Not Drawable
Window Features Normal Window Input Only Window
No Window Features Pixmap/Bitmap ---
Unfortunately, all three of these logically distinct cases
appear the same from a type-checking point of view. So be
careful not to use the wrong one. Also keep in mind that a
normal window is not drawable until it actually appears on
the screen; you should wait until you receive an expose
event before you draw. Expose events are covered in the section
called Expose Events.
Like GdkWindow, a GdkPixmap is merely a client-side
handle for an object located on the X server. Because of
this, some things are entirely infeasible from a
performance point of view; notably, if you are doing
anything which requires significant manipulation of
individual pixels, drawables will be far too slow. On the
other hand, copying a pixmap to a window is not as slow as
you might think, because both objects are on the same
Creating a pixmap is much easier than creating a window,
because most of the window attributes are not relevant to
pixmaps. The function is
gdk_pixmap_new() (Figure 4). It accepts
an initial size, and a bit depth. If a depth of -1 is given, the depth is copied
from its GdkWindow
argument. You can't choose an arbitrary number for the
depth---the server will not support all depths, and the
pixmap's depth must match the depth of any windows you plan
to copy it to. To destroy a pixmap, call gdk_pixmap_unref().
The GdkWindow argument to
gdk_pixmap_new() may not seem
strictly necessary. However, the function wraps XCreatePixmap(), which takes an X window as
an argument. It uses this argument to determine which screen to create the window on; some
X servers have multiple displays. Screens are an Xlib
concept totally concealed by GDK; GDK supports only one
screen at a time. Thus the
window argument to
gdk_pixmap_new() seems mysterious from a GDK point of