Enabling the Boot Floppies to Boot into a Serial Console
If you were to boot into the floppies that you just made, FreeBSD would boot into its
normal install mode. We want FreeBSD to boot into a serial console for our install. To do
this, you have to mount the boot.flp floppy onto your FreeBSD
system using the mount(8) command.
# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
Now that you have the floppy mounted, you must change into the /mnt directory:
# cd /mnt
Here is where you must set the floppy to boot into a serial console. You have to make
a file called boot.config containing /boot/loader -h. All this does is pass a flag to the bootloader to
boot into a serial console.
# echo "/boot/loader -h" > boot.config
Now that you have your floppy configured correctly, you must unmount the floppy using
the umount(8) command:
# cd /
# umount /mnt
Now you can remove the floppy from the floppy drive.