Outside of Red Hat, there are many companies that provide consulting
services to the PostgreSQL community. The following is a small list of consultants
providing commercial support for PostgreSQL.
- Command Prompt, Inc. (
Command Prompt, Inc. is a Linux managed-services and PostgreSQL-support company. They provide Linux and
PostgreSQL support, including custom programming in C & C++, Java, PHP, Perl, and their own LXP application server
for PostgreSQL.
Command Prompt, Inc. is the author of this book.
- Cybertec Geschwinde & Schvnig OEG (
Cybertec provides training courses, support, consulting, and
cost-effective high-end systems. Cybertec services the German-speaking region (Austria, Germany, and Switzerland).
- dbExperts (
dbExperts offers training courses, specialized support for development, and
commercial products for PostgreSQL. dbExperts is located in Brazil and
provides services in the Portuguese language.
- PostgreSQL, Inc. (
PostgreSQL, Inc. offers support for PostgreSQL, database
hosting, and promotional materials.
- Software Research Associates (
Software Research Associates offers a range of services to
aid customers with open source software-based systems. Support from
this company is also available in Japanese.