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Databases - Practical PostgreSQL
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The Bottom Line

Marketing would suggest that a commercial version of PostgreSQL is somehow objectively superior to an open source version of PostgreSQL. In reality, this is not the case. When deciding what version of PostgreSQL you are going to run, you need only be aware of your own needs. For example, are you going to need installation support? Is a graphical installation important to you? If they are, then you should probably purchase a commercial version of PostgreSQL. However, if you or one of your staff are comfortable with compiling and configuring source code, the open source version could be more applicable to you.

There are two additional questions you may want to ask. Do you need printed documentation and are you willing to pay for PostgreSQL? The commercial distribution comes with printed documentation. However, if you are reading this book, we hope you won't need the additional documentation. The other question relates to cost. Red Hat Database is priced at $2,295.00.

The most important thing to remember when deciding on which version of PostgreSQL to use is this (from a perspective of general usage and feature availability): there is no practical difference between the open source and the commercial versions.

Databases - Practical PostgreSQL
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