A special kind of syntax is used in order to insert multiple values into a single column. This syntax allows you to
describe an
array constant
. As documented in Chapter 3, the syntax of an array constant (for referring to PostgreSQL
array values in SQL statements) is a special arrangement of curly braces, double-quotes and commas, all bound by single-quotes.
Double quotes are required only when working with an array of character strings. Therefore, the general forms of array constants are:
'{ "text1" [, ...] }' -- A character string array.
'{ numeric [, ...] }' -- A numeric array.
These syntax forms illustrate how to handle string and numeric arrays, but a column may be defined as an array of any
arbitrary type (including boolean, date, and
time types). Generally, if you would ordinarily use single-quotes to describe a value in a
non-array context (such as with a string constant, or timestamp value), double-quotes should be used for that value in an
array constant.
Example 7-18 inserts a pair of records into the
favorite_books table. The first statement inserts a single favorite book for the employee
with id 102, and the second statement inserts two titles for the employee with id 103.
Example 7-18 executes two SQL INSERT statements, which
insert a pair of array constant values.
Example 7-18. Inserting array constants
INSERT INTO favorite_books VALUES
(102, '{"The Hitchhiker\'s Guide to the Galaxy"}');
INSERT 3628399 1
INSERT INTO favorite_books VALUES
(103, '{"The Hobbit", "Kitten, Squared"}');
INSERT 3628400 1
Notice that, in Example 7-18, curly braces are still required to insert a single value
into an array. Notice also that the single-quote in the title (first INSERT statement) still requires a backslash preceding it, even though it is
surrounded by
. This is because the array constant itself is parsed as if it were one
long string constant, and subsequently interpreted as an array based on the context of its target column.
The insertion of values into a multidimensional array requires a pair of curly braces for each array; an array of
arrays must therefore itself be bound in curly braces, while each of its member arrays should be separated by one another
with commas. Example 7-19 inserts a single row containing a multidimensional
array constant into the favorite_authors table, created in Example 7-17.
Example 7-19. Inserting values into multidimensional arrays
INSERT INTO favorite_authors
VALUES (102,
'{{"J.R.R. Tolkien", "The Silmarillion"},
{"Charles Dickens", "Great Expectations"},
{"Ariel Denham", "Attic Lives"}}');
INSERT 3727961 1
Notice that the inserted multidimensional array in Example 7-19
contains three text arrays, which each have two members. There is no systematic relationship between these arrays, though
the implied relationship from the context is that the first members of each array are authors corresponding to the second
members of each array, which are the favorite titles from the associated author.