Up to this point, we have discussed reasonably
useful applications. So it is time now to look at some pure entertainment:
the game of Concentration (also called Memory). The game consists
of an arbitrary number of tiles, where each tile exactly matches
one other tile. The value (or picture) "under" each tile is hidden
from the user. Figure 11.1 shows what the initial screen looks like.
When the user selects a tile, the value is
displayed. The user can select two tiles at a time. If they match,
the values behind the tiles remain displayed. The object of the
game is to find all matching tiles in as few looks as possible.
Figure 11.2 shows a successful match.
The new technique introduced by this example
is how to store the entire state of the board in the HTML
code sent to the browser. Each click by the user sends the state
of the tiles back to the server so that a correct new board can
be generated. This is how you access the program for the first time:
This program displays a board, where each tile links back
to this program with a query string like this:
The query string actually contains all of the board information
(encrypted so that you can't cheat!) as well as the user selections.
This is yet another way to store information when multiple sessions
are involved, if you don't want to use temporary files and magic
cookies. It is not a general solution for all applications, because
the length of the query string can be truncated by the browser or
the server--see Chapter 4, Forms and CGI.
But in this case, the size of the data is small, so it is perfect.
When a certain tile is selected, the program receives a query
like the one above. It processes the query, checks to see if the
two user selections match, and then creates a new series of query
strings for each tile. The process is repeated until the game is
Now for the code:
@BOARD = ();
The BOARD array
is used to store the board information--the values "under" each tile.
A typical array might look like this:
1 4 5 8 7 2 1 6 7 4 6 3 2 8 3 5
this game, the board contains 16 tiles, each containing a number
from 1 to 8. For example, the user has to choose location numbers
2 and 10 to find a match for the value 4.
This variable
will hold the needed HTML to produce a board
layout. The program creates the layout simply by appending information
to this string. If the user's browser does not support graphics,
this string is output as is. However, if a graphic browser is being
used, the program performs some string substitution and inserts
<IMG> tags.
We will look at the graphic aspects
in more detail after we run through the logic of the game.
$spaces = " " x 5;
$images_dir = "/icons";
The $spaces variable is used to add extra
spaces to the output between each tile. And $images_dir
points to the directory where the images (representing the values
behind the tiles) are stored.
$query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
if ($query_string) {
If a query string is passed
to this program (which happens every time the user clicks on a tile),
this block of code is executed.
($new_URL_query, $user_selections) = &undecode_query_string (*BOARD);
The undecode_query_string
subroutine decodes the query string (and also decrypts it), fills
the BOARD array with the board information--based
on the information stored in query string--and returns all the information
needed by the program to interpret the state of the board. The two
strings returned are $new_URL_query, containing
the values of the 16 markers, and $user_selections,
containing the positions of the tiles that the user selected. This
is what $new_URL_query looks like:
other words, 16 values separated by percent signs. The position
of each value represents the position of the tile on the board.
The value shown is the actual value under the tile. For example,
the second tile contains the value 4.
The format of
$user_selections is:
It contains two values
because the user turns up two tiles in succession, trying to find
two that match. The 1%0 in this case indicates that the user has
clicked on tile number 1 for his or her first selection. The 0 (which
doesn't correspond to any position on the board) indicates that
only one tile has been turned up. Next time, if the user selects
another tile--say tile number 7--the user selection string will look
like this:
From the board data in
$new_URL_query above, you can see that tiles
number 1 and 7 both contain the value 1, which signifies a match.
In this case, the program changes the query string for each tile
to reflect a match by adding a "+" sign:
These tiles will no longer have links (the user cannot "open"
the tile as the value is known), but rather, the values will be
&draw_current_board (*BOARD, $new_URL_query, $user_selections);
The draw_current_board
routine uses the information stored in the BOARD
array, as well as the query information and user selections, to
draw an updated board.
} else {
&create_game (*BOARD);
$new_URL_query = &build_decoded_query (*BOARD);
&draw_clear_board ($new_URL_query);
If no query string is passed to this program, the create_game
subroutine is called to fill the BOARD array
with new board information. The values for each tile are randomly
selected, so a person can play over and over again as long as boredom
does not set in. The build_decoded_query subroutine
uses the information in BOARD to create a encrypted
query string. Finally, draw_clear_board uses
the information to draw the board. Actually, the board is not yet
drawn, but rather the HTML needed to draw the
board is stored in the $display variable.
&display_board ();
The display_board subroutine checks the
user's browser type (either text or graphic), performs the appropriate
substitutions, and sends the information to the browser for display.
The create_game subroutine fills up the
specified array with a random board layout.
sub create_game
local (*game_board) = @_;
local ($loop, @number, $random);
srand (time | $$);
A good seed for the random number generator is set by using
the combination of the current time and the process PID.
for ($loop=1; $loop <= 16; $loop++) {
$game_board[$loop] = 0;
for ($loop=1; $loop <= 8; $loop++) {
$number[$loop] = 0;
game_board and number
arrays are initialized. Remember, $game_board
is just a reference to the array that is passed to this subroutine.
Throughout the different subroutines in this program, we will use
$game_board to store the values behind the
16 tiles. Note that the loop begins at 1, because tiles are numbered
from 1 to 16. We never load anything into $game_board[0].
In fact, we use the number 0 in other parts of the program to indicate
when the user has not yet selected a tile.
The $number
array keeps track of the values that are already placed in the game_board
array. This is so that a value appears "behind" only two tiles.
for ($loop=1; $loop <= 16; $loop++) {
do {
$random = int (rand(8)) + 1;
} until ($number[$random] < 2);
$game_board[$loop] = $random;
First, a random value
from 1 to 8 is selected. If the value is already stored in the $number
array twice, another random value is chosen. On the other hand,
if the value is valid, it is stored in the $game_board
array. This whole process is repeated 16 times, until the board
is completely filled.
The build_decoded_query
subroutine uses the array we just created to construct a decoded
query string.
sub build_decoded_query
local (*game_board) = @_;
local ($URL_query, $loop, @temp_board);
for ($loop=1; $loop <= 16; $loop++) {
($temp_board[$loop] = $game_board[$loop]) =~
s/(\w+)/sprintf ("%lx", $1 * (($loop * 50) + 100))/e;
The loop builds up a string of 16 values, one at a time. These
values come from the BOARD array, which the calling
program passes to this subroutine.
The $temp_board
array takes on the value of a successive element of the board array
each time through the loop. A series of arithmetic operations are
performed on the value, and then it is converted to a hexadecimal
number. This is an arbitrary encryption scheme. Just about any encryption
technique can be used, as long as you can reverse the process when
you get the string back, and so that the user will not be able to
see the board information by looking at a query string.
course, if you use the exact algorithm I'm showing here, someone
who's read this book can play your game and figure out what the
values are. Maybe no one would go to such trouble to cheat on a
game that three-year-olds play, but you should be sure to make up
a different encryption algorithm if you're using this subroutine
in a serious CGI application.
Note the e at the end
of the regular expression, which instructs Perl to execute the second
part of the substitute operator (the sprintf
statement). In fact, we have been using this type of construct throughout
the book; see all the parse_form_data subroutines.
$URL_query = join ("%", @temp_board);
return ($URL_query);
temp_board array is joined to create a string
containing the query string. Notice how the loop starts with the
index of 1, which means that the query will start with a leading
"%". There is no specific reason for doing this; you could omit
it if you want.
We'll use this short subroutine later
in this section:
sub build
local (@string) = @_;
$display = join ("", $display, @string);
subroutine concatenates the string(s) passed to it with the $display
variable. Note that $display is a global variable.
The draw_clear_board subroutine draws
the board when the program is invoked for the first time.
sub draw_clear_board
local ($URL_query) = @_;
local ($URL, $inner, $outer, $index, $anchor);
$URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?", $URL_query);
The input to this subroutine is the BOARD
array, the elements of which get joined into a string and placed
after a question mark. So the $URL variable
contains a string that looks like this:
To continue with the subroutine:
for ($outer=1; $outer <= 4; $outer++) {
for ($inner=1; $inner <= 4; $inner++) {
$index = (4 * ($outer - 1)) + $inner;
$anchor = join("%", "", $index, "0");
loop iterates 16 times to add information about the tile number
for each tile. For example, it will add the string "%1%0" to the
query string for tile number 1, "%2%0" for tile 2, and so on. Later,
when the board is displayed and the user clicks a tile, the program
can look at the string to figure out which tile was clicked.
You might be wondering why we did not just use a for
loop to iterate 16 times. The reason is that we want to display
four tiles on one line (see the graphic output above or the text
output below).
&build(qq|<A HREF="$URL$anchor">**</A>|, $spaces);
&build ("\n\n");
text browsers, the string "**" represents each tile. Figure 11.3
shows how the output will appear on a text browser.
You've probably been wondering how we're
going to untangle the marvelous encrypted garbage that we've stored
in the HTML code for each tile. The next subroutine
we will look at decodes the query information when a tile is selected.
sub undecode_query_string
local (*game_board) = @_;
local ($user_choices, $loop, $original_query, $URL_query);
$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /^((%\w+\+{0,1}){16})%(.*)$/;
($original_query, $user_choices) = ($1, $3);
regular expression takes the first 16 strings in the format of %xx
(possibly followed by "+" to indicate a match), stores them in $original_query,
and places the rest of the query (the user selections) in the variable
The regular expression
is shown below. Basically, (%\w+\+{0,1}) matches
strings like %258 or %258+ (where the plus sign indicates that the
tile has been successfully matched). So the larger expression ((%\w+\+{0,1}){16})
matches the whole 16 tiles. This larger expression becomes $1
because it is enclosed in the first set of parentheses.
the second set of parentheses? They're the parentheses in (%\w+\+{0,1}).
This becomes $2, but we don't care about that.
We used the parentheses simply to group an expression so we could
repeat it 16 times.
After the 16 tiles comes a percent
sign, which we specify explicitly, and then the (.*)
that matches everything else. (We didn't really need the $ to match
the end of the line, because .* always matches everything that's
left.) The (.*) becomes $3,
and we save it as the user selections.
So now, $original_query
will contain the encrypted values in the tiles, looking something
like this:
while $user_choices contains the user
selections, like this:
We can now operate on
the string of tile values.
@game_board = split (/%/, $original_query);
The $original_query variable is split
on the "%" delimiter to create a 16-element array consisting of
the board positions.
for ($loop=1; $loop <= 16; $loop++) {
$game_board[$loop] =~ s|(\w+)|hex ($1) / (($loop * 50) + 100)|e;
A regular expression
similar to the one used to encode the query string is used to decode
it. The hex
command translates a number from hexadecimal to a format that can
be used in arithmetic calculations.
$URL_query = join ("%", @game_board);
return ($URL_query, $user_choices);
Finally, the decoded query string and the string consisting
of the user choices are returned.
Here is the most complicated
part of the program--the draw_current_board
subroutine that checks for tiles that match, and then updates the
board to reflect this. For each tile, the subroutine has to decide
whether to turn it up (display the hidden value) or down (in which
case it has a link so the user can click on it and continue the
game). When a link is added, it must contain the state of the entire
16 tiles, plus information on which tile if any is currently selected.
sub draw_current_board
local (*game_board, $URL_query, $user_choices) = @_;
local ($one, $two, $count, $script, $URL, $outer, $inner, $index, $anchor);
($one, $two) = split (/%/, $user_choices);
The user choice string
(i.e.,"1%2") is split on the "%" delimiter and each choice is stored
in a separate variable.
The $count
variable is initialized to zero. It is used to keep track of the
total number of matched tiles on the board. If that is equal to
16, the user has won the game.
if ( int ($game_board[$one]) == int ($game_board[$two]) ) {
$game_board[$one] = join ("", $game_board[$one], "+");
$game_board[$two] = join ("", $game_board[$two], "+");
If the two user
choices match the values stored in the board array, a "+" is added
to each position in the array. Remember, before the user selects
a tile, the query string will look like this (for tile number 1):
And for tile number 2, it will have the following format:
Notice how the next-to-last number indicates the tile number.
After the user selects a second tile (say tile number 4), the query
string for tile number 1 will look like this:
If the values stored under tiles 1 and 4 match, the program
will append a "+" to indicate a match, so that there is no hypertext
link created for these tiles.
$URL_query = &build_decoded_query (*game_board);
A query based on the current board configuration is created
by calling the build_decoded_query subroutine,
just as we did when the game started.
$script = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
$URL = join ("", $script, "?", $URL_query);
for ($outer=1; $outer <= 4; $outer++) {
for ($inner=1; $inner <= 4; $inner++) {
$index = (4 * ($outer - 1)) + $inner;
two loops iterate through the board array four elements at a time.
if ($game_board[$index] =~ /\+/) {
$game_board[$index] =~ s/\+//;
&build (sprintf ("%02d", $game_board[$index]),
If the value in the board contains a "+", the count is incremented,
and the actual value behind the tile is displayed. No hypertext
link is attached to the tile, because the user is not supposed to
select the tile again.
} elsif ( ($index == $one) || ($index == $two) ) {
&build (sprintf ("%02d", $game_board[$index]),
The value of a tile is displayed if the loop index equals
the tile that is selected by the user. Remember, if the two tiles
that are selected by the user do not match, they are "closed."
} else {
if ($one && $two) {
$anchor = join("%", "", $index, "0");
} else {
$anchor = join("%", "", $one, $index);
You have to take a minute to think about when this else
clause executes. The current tile has not been turned up because
of a successful match (that happened during the if
block) nor is it currently selected (that happened during the
elsif block). So we know that the tile is turned down,
and that we want to attach a hypertext link so that the user can
select it.
The only question is what to put in the user selections. If
both $one and $two are
set, we know that the user selected two tiles and that we are starting
over. Therefore, we want to display "1%0" for tile number 1, "2%0"
for tile number 2, and so on. That happens in the
if block. If one
tile has been chosen, we want to record that tile and the current
tile. For instance, if the user selects tile 1, we want tile 7 to
contain "1%7" as the user selections. This happens in the
else block.
&build(qq|<A HREF="$URL$anchor">**</A>|, $spaces);
&build ("\n\n");
hypertext link is generated for all of the other tiles that are
turned down.
if ($count == 16) {
&build ("<HR>You Win!\nIf you want to play again, ");
&build (qq|click <A HREF="$script">here</A><BR>|);
Finally, if the count
is 16, which means that the user has matched all 8 pairs, a victory
message is displayed.
The last subroutine we will discuss
manipulates the $display variable to show images
if a graphic browser is being used.
sub display_board
local ($client_browser, $nongraphic_browsers);
$client_browser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
$nongraphic_browsers = 'Lynx|CERN-LineMode';
print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";
if ($client_browser =~ /$nongraphic_browsers/) {
print "Welcome to the game of Concentration!", "\n";
} else {
print qq|<IMG SRC="$images_dir/concentration.gif">|;
$display =~ s|\*\*</A>|<IMG SRC="$images_dir/question.gif"></A> |g;
$display =~ s|(\d+)\s|<IMG SRC="$images_dir/$1.gif"> |g;
The string "**" is replaced with the
"question.gif" image, and each number found (indicating either a
match or a selection) is substituted with an appropriate "gif" image
("01.gif" for the value 01, and so on).
$display =~ s|\n\n|\n\n\n|g;
$display =~ s|You Win!|<IMG SRC="$images_dir/win.gif">|g;
print "<HR>", "<PRE>", "\n";
print $display, "\n";
print "</PRE>", "<HR>", "\n";
The variable $display is sent to the
browser for output. The <PRE> tags allow the formatting to remain
intact. In other words, spaces and newline are preserved.