Here is a pgperl program that is similar
in functionality to the gnuplot example above.
It is intended to show you the differences between gnuplot
and pgperl.
require "";
$webmaster = "shishir\@bu\.edu";
$access_log = "/usr/local/bin/httpd_1.4.2/logs/access_log";
The require command includes the pgperl
header file that consists of various PGPLOT functions.
$hours = 23;
$maximum = 0;
The $maximum variable represents the
maximum y coordinate when we plot the histogram. It sets the range
on the y axis.
$process_id = $$;
$output_gif = join ("", "/tmp/", $process_id, ".gif");
The output_gif variable is used to store
the name of a temporary file that will contain the GIF image.
if ( (open(FILE, "<" . $access_log)) ) {
for ($loop=0; $loop <= $hours; $loop++) {
$time[$loop] = 0;
$counter[$loop] = $loop;
Two arrays are initialized to hold the hour and access data.
The @time array holds the number of accesses
for each hour, and the @counter array represents
the hours (0--23).
while (<FILE>){
if (m|\[\d+/\w+/\d+:([^:]+)|) {
A regular expression identical to the one presented in the
last example is used to determine the number of accesses for each
close (FILE);
} else {
&return_error (500, "Server Log File Error", "Cannot open NCSA server access log!");
The find_maximum subroutine determines
the maximum y value--or the hour that had the most accesses. And
the prepare_graph subroutine calls the various
pgperl routines to graph the data.
sub find_maximum
for ($loop=0; $loop <= $hours; $loop++) {
if ($time[$loop] > $maximum) {
$maximum = $time[$loop];
$maximum += 10;
Initially, the maximum value is set to zero. The number of
accesses for each hour is checked against the current maximum value
to determine the absolute maximum. Finally, the maximum value is
incremented by 10 so the histogram doesn't look cramped. In other
words, the range on the y axis will be 10 greater than the maximum
value that falls on the axis.
sub prepare_graph
&pgbegin (0, "${output_gif}/VGIF", 1, 1);
&pgscr (0, 1, 1, 1);
The pgbegin
function creates a portrait GIF image with a black background and
stores it in the file specified by $output_gif.
The first argument is reserved for future use, and is currently
ignored. The third and fourth arguments specify the number of graphs
that should fit horizontally and vertically, respectively, in the
image. Finally, the pgscr
function remaps a color index. In this case, we are remapping color
zero (black) to one (white). Unfortunately, this is the only way
to change the background color.
is used to change the width and aspect ratio (width / height) of
the image. Normally, the image size is 8.5 x 11 inches in portrait
mode. An aspect ratio is the ratio between the x axis and the y
axis; 1.0 produces a square image. For example, an aspect ratio
of 0.618 results in a horizontal rectangle, and a ratio of 1.618
results in a vertical rectangle. This function changes the width
to four inches and the aspect ratio to one.
&pgscf (2);
&pgslw (3);
&pgsch (1.6);
The pgscf
function modifies the font style to Roman. Here is a list of all
the styles:
The line width and the character height are changed with the
and pgsch functions, respectively.
&pgsci (4);
&pgenv (0, $hours + 1, 0, $maximum, 2, 0);
The pgsci
function changes the pen color to blue. We use the pgenv
function to draw our axes. The range for the x axis goes from 0
to ($hours + 1), and the range for the y axis
is from 0 to the maximum number of accesses plus 10. The fifth argument
is responsible for independently scaling the x and y axes. A value
of one is used to set equal scales for the x and y axes; any other
values cause pgperl to independently scale
the axes. The last argument controls the plotting of axes and tick
marks. A value of zero instructs pgperl to
draw a box around the graph, and to label the coordinates.
&pgsci (2);
&pgbin ($hours, *counter, *time, 0);
&pglabel ("Time (Hours)", "No. of Requests", "WWW Server Usage");
The pen color is again modified to two (red). The crucial
routine here is pgbin.
It draws a histogram with 23 values (represented by $hours).
The x coordinates are specified by the counter array, and the y
coordinates--or the number of accesses--are stored in
the time array.
Notice how the arrays are passed to the pgbin
function; they are passed as references--this is a requirement of
pgperl. The last argument instructs pgperl
to draw the histogram with the edge of each box located at the corresponding
x coordinate.
The print_gif subroutine prints the GIF
image to standard output.
sub print_gif
local ($content_length);
if ( (open (GIF, "<" . $output_gif)) ) {
$content_length = (stat (GIF))[7];
print "Content-type: image/gif", "\n";
print "Content-length: ", $content_length, "\n\n";
print <GIF>;
close (GIF);
unlink $output_gif;
} else {
&return_error (500, "Server Log File Error",
"Cannot read from the GIF file!");
Notice that we use the Content-length header in this subroutine.
Whenever you are returning binary data (such as GIF images) and
it is possible to determine the size of the image, you should make
it a habit to send this header. The stat command
returns the file size of the graphic image. The file is printed
to standard output, and deleted. If you like, you can use the algorithm
in Chapter 3 to return the GIF image
in small pieces.
Figure 6.6 shows the image created by this