NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux.
When administering a home machine, the user must perform some
tasks as the root user or by acquiring effective root privileges
via a setuid program, such as sudo or su. A setuid
program is one that operates with the user ID (UID) of the program's owner rather than the user
operating the program. Such programs are denoted by a lower case
s in the owner section of a
long format listing, as in the following example:
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 47324 May 1 08:09 /bin/su
For the system administrators of an organization, however,
choices must be made as to how much administrative access users
within the organization should have to their machine. Through a PAM
module called pam_console.so, some
activities normally reserved only for the root user, such as
rebooting and mounting removable media are allowed for the first
user that logs in at the physical console (see the chapter titled
Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) in
the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference
Guide for more about the pam_console.so module.) However, other important
system administration tasks such as altering network settings,
configuring a new mouse, or mounting network devices are not
possible without administrative priveleges. As a result, system
administrators must decide how much access the users on their
network should receive.
If the users within an organization are a trusted,
computer-savvy group, then allowing them root access may not be an
issue. Allowing root access by users means that minor activities,
like adding devices or configuring network interfaces, can be
handled by the individual users, leaving system administrators free
to deal with network security and other important issues.
On the other hand, giving root access to individual users can
lead to the following issues:
Machine Misconfiguration — Users
with root access can misconfigure their machines and require
assistance or worse, open up security holes without knowing it.
Running Insecure Services — Users
with root access may run insecure servers on their machine, such as
FTP or Telnet, potentially putting usernames and passwords at risk
as they pass over the network in the clear.
Running Email Attachments As Root
— Although rare, email viruses that affect Linux do exist.
The only time they are a threat, however, is when they are run by
the root user.
If an administrator is uncomfortable allowing users to log in as
root for these or other reasons, the root password should be kept
secret and access to runlevel one or single user mode should be
disallowed through boot loader password protection (refer to
4.2.2 Boot Loader Passwords for more on this topic.)
4-1 shows ways an administrator can further ensure that root
logins are disallowed:
Method |
Description |
Effects |
Does Not Affect |
Changing the root shell. |
Edit the /etc/passwd file and change
the shell from /bin/bash to /sbin/nologin. |
Prevents access to the root shell and logs the attempt. |
The following programs are prevented from accessing the root
account: |
� login |
� gdm |
� kdm |
� xdm |
� su |
� ssh |
� scp |
� sftp |
Programs that do not require a shell, such as FTP clients, mail
clients, and many setuid programs. |
The following programs are not
prevented from accessing the root account: |
� sudo |
� FTP clients |
� Email clients |
Disabling root access via any console device (tty). |
An empty /etc/securetty file prevents
root login on any devices attached to the computer. |
Prevents access to the root account via the console or the
network. The following programs are prevented from accessing the
root account: |
� login |
� gdm |
� kdm |
� xdm |
� Other network services that open a tty |
Programs that do not log in as root, but perform administrative
tasks through through setuid or other mechanisms. |
The following programs are not
prevented from accessing the root account: |
� su |
� sudo |
� ssh |
� scp |
� sftp |
Disabling root SSH logins. |
Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
and set the PermitRootLogin parameter to
no. |
Prevents root access via the OpenSSH suite of tools. The
following programs are prevented from accessing the root
account: |
� ssh |
� scp |
� sftp |
This only prevents root access to the OpenSSH suite of
tools. |
Use PAM to limit root access to services. |
Edit the file for the target service in the /etc/pam.d/ directory. Make sure the pam_listfile.so is required for
authentication. |
Prevents root access to network services that are PAM
aware. |
The following services are prevented from accessing the root
account: |
� FTP clients |
� Email clients |
� login |
� gdm |
� kdm |
� xdm |
� ssh |
� scp |
� sftp |
� Any PAM aware services |
Programs and services that are not PAM aware. |
a. Refer to Section Disabling Root Using PAM for details.
Table 4-1. Methods of Disabling the Root Account
To prevent users from logging in directly as root, the system
administrator can set the root account's shell to /sbin/nologin in the /etc/passwd file. This prevents access to the root
account through commands that require a shell, such as the
su and the ssh
Important |
Programs that do not require access to the shell, such as email
clients or the sudo command, can still
access the root account.
To further limit access to the root account, administrators can
disable root logins at the console by editing the /etc/securetty file. This file lists all devices
the root user is allowed to log into. If the file does not exist at
all, the root user can log in through any communication device on
the system, whether via the console or a raw network interface.
This is dangerous as a user can login into his machine as root via
Telnet, which sends his password in plain text over the network. By
default, Red Hat Enterprise Linux's /etc/securetty file only allows the root user to
login at the console physically attached to the machine. To prevent
root from logging in, remove the contents of this file by typing
the following command:
Warning |
A blank /etc/securetty file does
not prevent the root user from logging in
remotely using the OpenSSH suite of tools because the console is
not opened until after authentication.
To prevent root logins via the SSH protocol, edit the SSH
daemon's configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config). Change the line that
to read as follows:
PAM, through the /lib/security/pam_listfile.so module, allows great
flexibility in denying specific accounts. This allows the
administrator to point the module at a list of users who are not
allowed to log in. Below is an example of how the module is used
for the vsftpd FTP server in the
/etc/pam.d/vsftpd PAM configuration file
(the \ character at the end of
the first line in the following example is not necessary if the directive is on one line):
auth required /lib/security/pam_listfile.so item=user \
sense=deny file=/etc/vsftpd.ftpusers onerr=succeed
This tells PAM to consult the file /etc/vsftpd.ftpusers and deny access to the service
for any user listed. The administrator is free to change the name
of this file, and can keep separate lists for each service or use
one central list to deny access to multiple services.
If the administrator wants to deny access to multiple services,
a similar line can be added to the PAM configuration services, such
as /etc/pam.d/pop and /etc/pam.d/imap for mail clients or /etc/pam.d/ssh for SSH clients.
For more information about PAM, refer to the chapter titled
Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) in
the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference
Rather than completely deny access to the root user, the
administrator may want to allow access only via setuid programs,
such as su or sudo.
Upon typing the su command, the user is
prompted for the root password and, after authentication, is given
a root shell prompt.
Once logged in via the su command, the
user is the root user and has absolute
administrative access to the system. In addition, once a user has
become root, it is possible for them to use the su command to change to any other user on the system
without being prompted for a password.
Because this program is so powerful, administrators within an
organization may wish to limit who has access to the command.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to add users to the
special administrative group called wheel.
To do this, type the following command as root:
usermod -G wheel <username>
In the previous command, replace <username> with the username you want to
add to the wheel group.
To use the User Manager for this
purpose, go to the (on the
Panel) => =>
or type the command
system-config-users at a shell prompt.
Select the Users tab, select the user from
the user list, and click Properties from
the button menu (or choose =>
from the pull-down menu).
Then select the Groups tab and click on
the wheel group, as shown in Figure 4-2.
Next, open the PAM configuration file for su (/etc/pam.d/su) in a
text editor and remove the comment [#]
from the following line:
auth required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_wheel.so use_uid
Doing this permits only members of the administrative group
wheel to use the program.
Note |
The root user is part of the wheel group by default.
The sudo command offers another
approach to giving users administrative access. When trusted users
precede an administrative command with sudo, they are prompted for their own password. Then, once authenticated and
assuming that the command is permitted, the administrative command
is executed as if by the root user.
The basic format of the sudo command is
as follows:
In the above example, <command> would be replaced by a command
normally reserved for the root user, such as mount.
Important |
Users of the sudo command should take
extra care to log out before walking away from their machines since
sudoers can use the command again without being asked for a
password within a five minute period. This setting can be altered
via the configuration file, /etc/sudoers.
The sudo command allows for a high
degree of flexibility. For instance, only users listed in the
/etc/sudoers configuration file are
allowed to use the sudo command and the
command is executed in the user's shell,
not a root shell. This means the root shell can be completely
disabled, as shown in Section Disabling the Root Shell.
The sudo command also provides a
comprehensive audit trail. Each successful authentication is logged
to the file /var/log/messages and the
command issued along with the issuer's user name is logged to the
file /var/log/secure.
Another advantage of the sudo command
is that an administrator can allow different users access to
specific commands based on their needs.
Administrators wanting to edit the sudo
configuration file, /etc/sudoers, should
use the visudo command.
To give someone full administrative privileges, type visudo and add a line similar to the following in
the user privilege specification section:
This example states that the user, juan, can use sudo
from any host and execute any command.
The example below illustrates the granularity possible when
configuring sudo:
%users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now
This example states that any user can issue the command
/sbin/shutdown -h now as long as it is
issued from the console.
The man page for sudoers has a
detailed listing of options for this file.