NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux.
Although vsftpd may not offer the level
of customization other widely available FTP servers have, it offers
enough options to fill most administrator's needs. The fact that it
is not overly feature-laden limits configuration and programmatic
All configuration of vsftpd is handled
by its configuration file, /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. Each directive is on its
own line within the file and follows the following format:
For each directive, replace <directive> with a valid directive and
<value> with a valid
Important |
There must not be any spaces between the <directive>, equal symbol, and the
<value> in a directive.
Comment lines must be preceded by a hash mark (#) and are ignored by the daemon.
For a complete list of all directives available, refer to the
man page for vsftpd.conf.
Important |
For an overview of ways to secure vsftpd, refer to the chapter titled Server Security in the Red Hat
Enterprise Linux Security Guide.
The following is a list of some of the more important directives
within /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. All
directives not explicitly found within vsftpd's configuration file are set to their default
The following is a list of directives which control the overall
behavior of the vsftpd daemon.
listen — When enabled, vsftpd runs in stand-alone mode. Red Hat Enterprise
Linux sets this value to YES. This
directive cannot be used in conjunction with the listen_ipv6 directive.
The default value is NO.
listen_ipv6 — When enabled,
vsftpd runs in stand-alone mode, but
listens only to IPv6 sockets. This directive cannot be used in
conjunction with the listen directive.
The default value is NO.
session_support — When enabled,
vsftpd attempts to maintain login sessions
for each user through Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM). Refer
to Chapter 16 Pluggable Authentication
Modules (PAM) for more information. If session logging is
not necessary, disabling this option allows vsftpd to run with less processes and lower
The default value is YES.
The following is a list of directives which control the login
behavior and access control mechanisms.
anonymous_enable — When enabled,
anonymous users are allowed to log in. The usernames anonymous and ftp are accepted.
The default value is YES.
Refer to Section
15.5.3 Anonymous User Options for a list of directives
affecting anonymous users.
banned_email_file — If the
deny_email_enable directive is set to
YES, this directive specifies the file
containing a list of anonymous email passwords which are not
permitted access to the server.
The default value is /etc/vsftpd.banned_emails.
banner_file — Specifies the file
containing text displayed when a connection is established to the
server. This option overrides any text specified in the ftpd_banner directive.
There is no default value for this directive.
cmds_allowed — Specifies a
comma-delimited list of FTP commands allowed by the server. All
other commands are rejected.
There is no default value for this directive.
deny_email_enable — When enabled,
any anonymous user using email passwords specified in the
/etc/vsftpd.banned_emails are denied
access to the server. The name of the file referenced by this
directive can be specified using the banned_email_file directive.
The default value is NO.
ftpd_banner — When enabled, the
string specified within this directive is displayed when a
connection is established to the server. This option can be
overridden by the banner_file
By default vsftpd displays its standard
local_enable — When enabled,
local users are allowed to log into the system.
The default value is YES.
Refer to Section 15.5.4
Local User Options for a list of directives affecting
local users.
pam_service_name — Specifies the
PAM service name for vsftpd.
The default value is ftp. Note, in Red
Hat Enterprise Linux, the value is set to vsftpd.
tcp_wrappers — When enabled, TCP
wrappers are used to grant access to the server. If the FTP server
is configured on multiple IP addresses, the VSFTPD_LOAD_CONF option can be used to load
different configuration files based on the IP address being
requested by the client. For more information about TCP Wrappers,
refer to Chapter 17 TCP Wrappers
and xinetd.
The default value is NO. Note, in Red
Hat Enterprise Linux, the value is set to YES.
userlist_deny — When used in
conjunction with the userlist_enable
directive and set to NO, all local users
are denied access unless the username is listed in the file
specified by the userlist_file directive.
Because access is denied before the client is asked for a password,
setting this directive to NO prevents
local users from submitting unencrypted passwords over the
The default value is YES.
userlist_enable — When enabled,
the users listed in the file specified by the userlist_file directive are denied access. Because
access is denied before the client is asked for a password, users
are prevented from submitting unencrypted passwords over the
The default value is NO, however under
Red Hat Enterprise Linux the value is set to YES.
userlist_file — Specifies the
file referenced by vsftpd when the
userlist_enable directive is enabled.
The default value is /etc/vsftpd.user_list and is created during
cmds_allowed — Specifies a comma
separated list of FTP commands that the server allows. Any other
commands are rejected.
There is no default value for this directive.
The following lists directives which control anonymous user
access to the server. To use these options, the anonymous_enable directive must be set to YES.
anon_mkdir_write_enable — When
enabled in conjunction with the write_enable directive, anonymous users are allowed
to create new directories within a parent directory which has write
The default value is NO.
anon_root — Specifies the
directory vsftpd changes to after an
anonymous user logs in.
There is no default value for this directive.
anon_upload_enable — When enabled
in conjunction with the write_enable
directive, anonymous users are allowed to upload files within a
parent directory which has write permissions.
The default value is NO.
anon_world_readable_only — When
enabled, anonymous users are only allowed to download
world-readable files.
The default value is YES.
ftp_username — Specifies the
local user account (listed in /etc/passwd) used for the anonymous FTP user. The
home directory specified in /etc/passwd
for the user is the root directory of the anonymous FTP user.
The default value is ftp.
no_anon_password — When enabled,
the anonymous user is not asked for a password.
The default value is NO.
secure_email_list_enable — When
enabled, only a specified list of email passwords for anonymous
logins are accepted. This is a convenient way to offer limited
security to public content without the need for virtual users.
Anonymous logins are prevented unless the password provided is
listed in /etc/vsftpd.email_passwords. The
file format is one password per line, with no trailing white
The default value is NO.
The following lists directives which characterize the way local
users access the server. To use these options, the local_enable directive must be set to YES.
chmod_enable — When enabled, the
FTP command SITE CHMOD is allowed for
local users. This command allows the users to change the
permissions on files.
The default value is YES.
chroot_list_enable — When
enabled, the local users listed in the file specified in the
chroot_list_file directive are placed in a
chroot jail upon log in.
If enabled in conjunction with the chroot_local_user directive, the local users listed
in the file specified in the chroot_list_file directive are not placed in a chroot jail
upon log in.
The default value is NO.
chroot_list_file — Specifies the
file containing a list of local users referenced when the
chroot_list_enable directive is set to
The default value is /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list.
chroot_local_user — When enabled,
local users are change-rooted to their home directories after
logging in.
The default value is NO.
Warning |
Enabling chroot_local_user opens up a
number of security issues, especially for users with upload
privileges. For this reason, it is not
guest_enable — When enabled, all
non-anonymous users are logged in as the user guest, which is the local user specified in the
guest_username directive.
The default value is NO.
guest_username — Specifies the
username the guest user is mapped to.
The default value is ftp.
local_root — Specifies the
directory vsftpd changes to after a local
user logs in.
There is no default value for this directive.
local_umask — Specifies the umask
value for file creation. Note that the default value is in octal
form (a numerical system with a base of eight), which includes a
"0" prefix. Otherwise the value is treated as a base-10
The default value is 022.
passwd_chroot_enable — When
enabled in conjunction with the chroot_local_user directive, vsftpd change-roots local users based on the
occurrence of the /./ in the home
directory field within /etc/passwd.
The default value is NO.
user_config_dir — Specifies the
path to a directory containing configuration files bearing the name
of local system users that contain specific setting for that user.
Any directive in the user's configuration file overrides those
found in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf.
There is no default value for this directive.
The following lists directives which affect directories.
dirlist_enable — When enabled,
users are allowed to view directory lists.
The default value is YES.
dirmessage_enable — When enabled,
a message is displayed whenever a user enters a directory with a
message file. This message is found within the directory being
entered. The name of this file is specified in the message_file directive and is .message by default.
The default value is NO. Note, in Red
Hat Enterprise Linux, the value is set to YES.
force_dot_files — When enabled,
files beginning with a dot (.)
are listed in directory listings, with the exception of the
. and ..
The default value is NO.
hide_ids — When enabled, all
directory listings show ftp as
the user and group for each file.
The default value is NO.
message_file — Specifies the name
of the message file when using the dirmessage_enable directive.
The default value is .message.
text_userdb_names — When enabled,
test usernames and group names are used in place of UID and GID
entries. Enabling this option may slow performance of the
The default value is NO.
use_localtime — When enabled,
directory listings reveal the local time for the computer instead
of GMT.
The default value is NO.
The following lists directives which affect directories.
download_enable — When enabled,
file downloads are permitted.
The default value is YES.
chown_uploads — When enabled, all
files uploaded by anonymous users are owned by the user specified
in the chown_username directive.
The default value is NO.
chown_username — Specifies the
ownership of anonymously uploaded files if the chown_uploads directive is enabled.
The default value is root.
write_enable — When enabled, FTP
commands which can change the file system are allowed, such as
The default value is YES.
The following lists directives which affect vsftpd's logging behavior.
dual_log_enable — When enabled in
conjunction with xferlog_enable,
vsftpd writes two files simultaneously: a
wu-ftpd-compatible log to the file
specified in the xferlog_file directive
(/var/log/xferlog by default) and a
standard vsftpd log file specified in the
vsftpd_log_file directive (/var/log/vsftpd.log by default).
The default value is NO.
log_ftp_protocol — When enabled
in conjunction with xferlog_enable and
with xferlog_std_format set to NO, all FTP commands and responses are logged. This
directive is useful for debugging.
The default value is NO.
syslog_enable — When enabled in
conjunction with xferlog_enable, all
logging normally written to the standard vsftpd log file specified in the vsftpd_log_file directive (/var/log/vsftpd.log by default) is sent to the
system logger instead under the FTPD facility.
The default value is NO.
vsftpd_log_file — Specifies the
vsftpd log file. For this file to be used,
xferlog_enable must be enabled and
xferlog_std_format must either be set to
NO or, if xferlog_std_format is set to YES, dual_log_enable must
be enabled. It is important to note that if syslog_enable is set to YES, the system log is used instead of the file
specified in this directive.
The default value is /var/log/vsftpd.log.
xferlog_enable — When enabled,
vsftpd logs connections (vsftpd format only) and file transfer information to
the log file specified in the vsftpd_log_file directive (/var/log/vsftpd.log by default). If xferlog_std_format is set to YES, file transfer information is logged but
connections are not, and the log file specified in xferlog_file (/var/log/xferlog by default) is used instead. It is
important to note that both log files and log formats are used if
dual_log_enable is set to YES.
The default value is NO. Note, in Red
Hat Enterprise Linux, the value is set to YES.
xferlog_file — Specifies the
wu-ftpd-compatible log file. For this file
to be used, xferlog_enable must be enabled
and xferlog_std_format must be set to
YES. It is also used if dual_log_enable is set to YES.
The default value is /var/log/xferlog.
xferlog_std_format — When enabled
in conjunction with xferlog_enable, only a
wu-ftpd-compatible file transfer log is
written to the file specified in the xferlog_file directive (/var/log/xferlog by default). It is important to
note that this file only logs file transfers and does not log
connections to the server.
The default value is NO. Note, in Red
Hat Enterprise Linux, the value is set to YES.
Important |
To maintain compatibility with log files written by the older
wu-ftpd FTP server, the xferlog_std_format directive is set to YES under Red Hat Enterprise Linux. However, this
setting means that connections to the server are not logged.
To both log connections in vsftpd
format and maintain a wu-ftpd-compatible
file transfer log, set dual_log_enable to
If maintaining a wu-ftpd-compatible
file transfer log is not important, either set xferlog_std_format to NO,
comment the line with a hash mark (#), or
delete the line entirely.
The following lists directives which affect how vsftpd interacts with the network.
accept_timeout — Specifies the
amount of time for a client using passive mode to establish a
The default value is 60.
anon_max_rate — Specifies the
maximum data transfer rate for anonymous users in bytes per
The default value is 0, which does not
limit the transfer rate.
connect_from_port_20 When enabled,
vsftpd runs with enough privileges to open
port 20 on the server during active mode data transfers. Disabling
this option allows vsftpd to run with less
privileges, but may be incompatible with some FTP clients.
The default value is NO. Note, in Red
Hat Enterprise Linux, the value is set to YES.
connect_timeout — Specifies the
maximum amount of time a client using active mode has to respond to
a data connection, in seconds.
The default value is 60.
data_connection_timeout —
Specifies maximum amount of time data transfers are allowed to
stall, in seconds. Once triggered, the connection to the remote
client is closed.
The default value is 300.
ftp_data_port — Specifies the
port used for active data connections when connect_from_port_20 is set to YES.
The default value is 20.
idle_session_timeout — Specifies
the maximum amount of time between commands from a remote client.
Once triggered, the connection to the remote client is closed.
The default value is 300.
listen_address — Specifies the IP
address on which vsftpd listens for
network connections.
There is no default value for this directive.
Tip |
If running multiple copies of vsftpd
serving different IP addresses, the configuration file for each
copy of the vsftpd daemon must have a
different value for this directive. Refer to Section 15.4.1
Starting Multiple Copies of vsftpd for more information about multihomed
FTP servers.
listen_address6 — Specifies the
IPv6 address on which vsftpd listens for
network connections when listen_ipv6 is
set to YES.
There is no default value for this directive.
Tip |
If running multiple copies of vsftpd
serving different IP addresses, the configuration file for each
copy of the vsftpd daemon must have a
different value for this directive. Refer to Section 15.4.1
Starting Multiple Copies of vsftpd for more information about multihomed
FTP servers.
listen_port — Specifies the port
on which vsftpd listens for network
The default value is 21.
local_max_rate — Specifies the
maximum rate data is transfered for local users logged into the
server in bytes per second.
The default value is 0, which does not
limit the transfer rate.
max_clients — Specifies the
maximum number of simultaneous clients allowed to connect to the
server when it is running in standalone mode. Any additional client
connections would result in an error message.
The default value is 0, which does not
limit connections.
max_per_ip — Specifies the
maximum of clients allowed to connected from the same source IP
The default value is 0, which does not
limit connections.
pasv_address — Specifies the IP
address for the public facing IP address of the server for servers
behind Network Address Translation (NAT) firewalls. This enables
vsftpd to hand out the correct return
address for passive mode connections.
There is no default value for this directive.
pasv_enable — When enabled,
passive mode connects are allowed.
The default value is YES.
pasv_max_port — Specifies the
highest possible port sent to the FTP clients for passive mode
connections. This setting is used to limit the port range so that
firewall rules are easier to create.
The default value is 0, which does not
limit the highest passive port range. The value must not exceed
pasv_min_port — Specifies the
lowest possible port sent to the FTP clients for passive mode
connections. This setting is used to limit the port range so that
firewall rules are easier to create.
The default value is 0, which does not
limit the lowest passive port range. The value must not be lower
pasv_promiscuous — When enabled,
data connections are not checked to make sure they are originating
from the same IP address. This setting is only useful for certain
types of tunneling.
Caution |
Do not enable this option unless absolutely necessary as it
disables an important security feature which verifies that passive
mode connections originate from the same IP address as the control
connection that initiates the data transfer.
The default value is NO.
port_enable — When enabled,
active mode connects are allowed.
The default value is YES.