NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux.
File Transport Protocol (FTP) is an old and complex multi-port
protocol that presents a distinct set of challenges to a clustered
environment. To understand the nature of these challenges, you must
first understand some key things about how FTP works.
With most other server client relationships, the client machine
opens up a connection to the server on a particular port and the
server then responds to the client on that port. When an FTP client
connects to an FTP server it opens a connection to the FTP control
port 21. Then the client tells the FTP
server whether to establish an active or passive
connection. The type of connection chosen by the client determines
how the server responds and on what ports transactions will
The two types of data connections are:
- Active Connections
When an active connection is established, the server opens a data connection to the client from
port 20 to a high range port on the client machine. All data from
the server is then passed over this connection.
- Passive Connections
When a passive connection is established, the client asks the FTP server to establish a passive
connection port, which can be on any port higher than 10,000. The
server then binds to this high-numbered port for this particular
session and relays that port number back to the client. The client
then opens the newly bound port for the data connection. Each data
request the client makes results in a separate data connection.
Most modern FTP clients attempt to establish a passive connection
when requesting data from servers.
The two important things to note about all of this in regards to
clustering is:
The client determines the type of
connection, not the server. This means, to effectively cluster FTP,
you must configure the LVS routers to handle both active and
passive connections.
The FTP client/server relationship can potentially open a large
number of ports that the Piranha
Configuration Tool and IPVS do not know about.
IPVS packet forwarding only allows connections in and out of the
cluster based on it recognizing its port number or its firewall
mark. If a client from outside the cluster attempts to open a port
IPVS is not configured to handle, it drops the connection.
Similarly, if the real server attempts to open a connection back
out to the Internet on a port IPVS does not know about, it drops
the connection. This means all connections
from FTP clients on the Internet must have
the same firewall mark assigned to them and all connections from
the FTP server must be properly forwarded
to the Internet using network packet filtering rules.
Before assigning any iptables rules for
FTP service, review the information in Section 9.3.1 Assigning Firewall
Marks concerning multi-port services and techniques for
checking the existing network packet filtering rules.
Below are rules which assign the same firewall mark, 21, to FTP
traffic. For these rules to work properly, you must also use the
VIRTUAL SERVER subsection of Piranha Configuration Tool to configure a virtual
server for port 21 with a value of 21
in the Firewall Mark field. See Section 10.6.1
for details.
The rules for active connections tell the kernel to accept and
forward connections coming to the internal
floating IP address on port 20 — the FTP data port.
- iptables
/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp \
-s n.n.n.0/24 --sport 20 -j MASQUERADE
In the above iptables commands,
n.n.n should be replaced with the
first three values for the floating IP for the NAT interface's
internal network interface defined in the GLOBAL SETTINGS panel of Piranha Configuration Tool. The command allows
the LVS router to accept outgoing connections from the real servers
that IPVS does not know about.
The rules for passive connections assign the appropriate
firewall mark to connections coming in from the Internet to the
floating IP for the service on a wide range of ports — 10,000
to 20,000.
Warning |
If you are limiting the port range for passive connections, you
must also configure the VSFTP server to use a matching port range.
This can be accomplished by adding the following lines to
You must also control the address that the server displays to
the client for passive FTP connections. In a NAT routed LVS system,
add the following line to /etc/vsftpd.conf to override the real server IP
address to the VIP, which is what the client sees upon connection.
For example:
Replace X.X.X.X with the VIP
address of the LVS system.
For configuration of other FTP servers, consult the respective
This range should be a wide enough for most situations; however,
you can increase this number to include all available non-secured
ports by changing 10000:20000
in the commands below to 1024:65535.
- iptables
/sbin/iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp \
-d n.n.n.n/32 \
--dport 21 -j MARK --set-mark 21
/sbin/iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp \
-d n.n.n.n/32 \
--dport 10000:20000 -j MARK --set-mark 21
In the above iptables commands,
n.n.n.n should be replaced with the
floating IP for the FTP virtual server defined in the VIRTUAL SERVER subsection of Piranha Configuration Tool. These commands have
the net effect of assigning any traffic addressed to the floating
IP on the appropriate ports a firewall mark of 21, which is in turn
recognized by IPVS and forwarded appropriately.
Finally, you need to be sure that the appropriate service is set
to activate on the proper runlevels. For more on this, refer to
Section 8.1
Configuring Services on the LVS Routers.