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Setting up Redirections through the Emulator Console

Each emulator instance provides a control console the you can connect to, to issue commands that are specific to that instance. You can use the redir console command to set up redirections as needed for an emulator instance.

First, determine the console port number for the target emulator instance. For example, the console port number for the first emulator instance launched is 5554. Next, connect to the console of the target emulator instance, specifying its console port number, as follows:

telnet localhost 5554

Once connected, use the redir command to work with redirections. To add a redirection, use:.

add <protocol>:<host-port>:<guest-port>

where <protocol> is either tcp or udp, and <host-port> and <guest-port> sets the mapping between your own machine and the emulated system, respectively.

For example, the following command sets up a redirection that will handle all incoming TCP connections to your host (development) machine on and will pass them through to the emulated system's

redir add tcp:5000:6000

To delete a redirection, you can use the redir del command. To list all redirections for a specific instance, you can use redir list. For more information about these and other console commands, see Using the Emulator Console.

Note that port numbers are restricted by your local environment. this typically means that you cannot use host port numbers under 1024 without special administrator privileges. Also, you won't be able to set up a redirection for a host port that is already in use by another process on your machine. In that case, redir generates an error message to that effect.

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