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Using the Emulator Console

Each running emulator instance includes a console facility that lets you dynamically query and control the simulated device environment. For example, you can use the console to dynamically manage port redirections and network characteristics and simulate telephony events. To access the console and enter commands, you use telnet to connect to the console's port number.

To connect to the console of any running emulator instance at any time, use this command:

telnet localhost <console-port>

An emulator instance occupies a pair of adjacent ports: a console port and an adb port. The port numbers differ by 1, with the adb port having the higher port number. The console of the first emulator instance running on a given machine uses console port 5554 and adb port 5555. Subsequent instances use port numbers increasing by two — for example, 5556/5557, 5558/5559, and so on. Up to 16 concurrent emulator instances can run a console facility.

To connect to the emulator console, you must specify a valid console port. If multiple emulator instances are running, you need to determine the console port of the emulator instance you want to connect to. You can find the instance's console port listed in the title of the instance window. For example, here's the window title for an instance whose console port is 5554:

Android Emulator (5554)

Alternatively, you can use the adb devices command, which prints a list of running emulator instances and their console port numbers. For more information, see Querying for Emulator/Device Instances in the adb documentation.

Note: The emulator listens for connections on ports 5554-5587 and accepts connections only from localhost.

Once you are connected to the console, you can then enter help [command] to see a list of console commands and learn about specific commands.

To exit the console session, use quit or exit.

The sections below describe the major functional areas of the console.

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