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Release 3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use ValidatorUniqueString

Uses of ValidatorUniqueString in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core.util

Subclasses of ValidatorUniqueString in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core.util
 class ValidatorFileFilterString
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for file filter strings.
 class ValidatorFileUniqueName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for file or folder names, and those names need to be unique within a given folder.

Uses of ValidatorUniqueString in org.eclipse.rse.ui.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.dialogs that return ValidatorUniqueString
protected   ValidatorUniqueString SystemRenameSingleDialog. getUniqueNameValidator ( Object inputElement, ISystemValidator nameValidator)
          Given an input element and externally-suppplied name validator for it, determine if we need to augment that validator with one that will check for uniqueness, and if so create and return that uniqueness validator

Uses of ValidatorUniqueString in org.eclipse.rse.ui.validators

Subclasses of ValidatorUniqueString in org.eclipse.rse.ui.validators
 class ValidatorArchiveName
 class ValidatorConnectionName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a connection alias name.
 class ValidatorFileName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a name that eventually needs to become a file on disk.
 class ValidatorFilterName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for filter name.
 class ValidatorFilterPoolName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for filter name.
 class ValidatorFilterString
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for filter strings.
 class ValidatorFolderName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a name that eventually needs to become a folder.
 class ValidatorLocalPath
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a local directory path.
 class ValidatorPathName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a name that eventually needs to become a folder path.
 class ValidatorProfileName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a profile name.
 class ValidatorSourceType
          This class is used to verify a user-entered source type.
 class ValidatorSystemName
          This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an alias name.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire