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Release 3.0

Class RSEPersistableObject

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class RSEPersistableObject
extends Object
implements IRSEPersistableContainer

An object that keeps track of its persistable state: whether it is dirty or not and whether or not any of its progeny are marked dirty.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IRSEPersistableContainer
Constructor Summary
RSEPersistableObject ()
Method Summary
protected  boolean compareStrings ( String s1, String s2)
          Does a null-aware string comparison.
 boolean isDirty ()
          An object is dirty if a change has been made to it that requires it to be persisted.
 boolean isTainted ()
          An object is tainted if it contains an object that is dirty somewhere in its containment hierarchy.
 void setDirty (boolean flag)
          An object is dirty if a change has been made to it that requires it to be persisted.
 void setTainted (boolean flag)
          Sets the tainted attribute for this object.
 void setWasRestored (boolean flag)
          Sets the restored state of the object.
 boolean wasRestored ()
          An object was restored if it originated from a persistent form.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IRSEPersistableContainer
commit, getPersistableChildren, getPersistableParent

Constructor Detail


public RSEPersistableObject()
Method Detail


public final boolean isDirty()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
An object is dirty if a change has been made to it that requires it to be persisted.

Specified by:
isDirty in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
true if the object is dirty


public final void setDirty(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer

An object is dirty if a change has been made to it that requires it to be persisted. Objects should usually mark themselves dirty when a persistable change is made. However, there may be a need to mark related objects dirty as well.

Persistable changes are:

  • Any modification of a persistable attribute
  • A rename
  • A deletion of a child object
  • A reordering of the list of child objects
  • The addition of a child object

A rename may also cause a parent to be marked dirty if the parent refers to the child by name.

Setting this value to false should be done only in the persistence manager after the object has been written to the DOM.

Marking an object as dirty must cause it and all of its ancestors in the persistence hierarchy to be marked as tainted.

Specified by:
setDirty in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
flag - true if the object must be persisted.


public final boolean wasRestored()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
An object was restored if it originated from a persistent form.

Specified by:
wasRestored in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
true if the object was created from its persistent form, false if the object has never been persisted.


public final void setWasRestored(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
Sets the restored state of the object. Only persistence managers should do this. Persistable objects should be initially created with this as false and the persistence manager set this to true. This attribute is "sticky" in the face of most property changes. It should be set false if the object is renamed or re-parented.

Specified by:
setWasRestored in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
flag - true if the object was restored.


public final boolean isTainted()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
An object is tainted if it contains an object that is dirty somewhere in its containment hierarchy.

Specified by:
isTainted in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
true if the object is tainted.


public final void setTainted(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
Sets the tainted attribute for this object. This should set to true only by child objects when they have been marked dirty or tainted. Setting this to true will cause all parent objects in the containment hierarchy to be marked tainted. It should be set to false only by a persistence manager when the object has been committed.

Specified by:
setTainted in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
flag - the tainted state of the object.


protected boolean compareStrings(
String s1,
String s2)
Does a null-aware string comparison. Two strings that are null will compare equal. Otherwise the result is the same as s1.equals(s2), if s1 is not null.

s1 - The first string to compare
s2 - the second string
true if the strings are equal or both null.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire