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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use FastSyncInfoFilter Application programming interfaces for managing synchronization state. Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 

Uses of FastSyncInfoFilter in

Subclasses of FastSyncInfoFilter in
static class FastSyncInfoFilter.AndSyncInfoFilter
          Selects SyncInfo which match all child filters.
static class FastSyncInfoFilter.AutomergableFilter
          Selects SyncInfo instances that are auto-mergable.
static class FastSyncInfoFilter.CompoundSyncInfoFilter
          An abstract class which contains a set of FastSyncInfoFilter instances.
static class FastSyncInfoFilter.OrSyncInfoFilter
          Selects SyncInfo that match any of the child filters.
static class FastSyncInfoFilter.PseudoConflictFilter
          Selects SyncInfo instances that are pseudo-conflicts.
static class FastSyncInfoFilter.SyncInfoChangeTypeFilter
          Selects SyncInfo whose change type match those of the filter.
static class FastSyncInfoFilter.SyncInfoDirectionFilter
          Selects SyncInfo whose change direction match those of the filter.

Fields in declared as FastSyncInfoFilter
protected   FastSyncInfoFilter[] FastSyncInfoFilter.CompoundSyncInfoFilter. filters
          Instance variable which contains all the child filters for this compound filter.

Methods in that return FastSyncInfoFilter
static  FastSyncInfoFilter FastSyncInfoFilter. getDirectionAndChangeFilter (int direction, int change)
          Selects SyncInfo that match the given change type and direction.

Methods in with parameters of type FastSyncInfoFilter
  SyncInfo[] SyncInfoSet. getNodes ( FastSyncInfoFilter filter)
          Return all nodes in this set that match the given filter.
 boolean SyncInfoSet. hasNodes ( FastSyncInfoFilter filter)
          Indicate whether the set has nodes matching the given filter.
 void SyncInfoSet. rejectNodes ( FastSyncInfoFilter filter)
          Removes all nodes from this set that match the given filter leaving those that do not match the filter.
 void SyncInfoSet. selectNodes ( FastSyncInfoFilter filter)
          Removes all nodes from this set that do not match the given filter leaving only those that do match the filter.

Constructors in with parameters of type FastSyncInfoFilter
FastSyncInfoFilter.AndSyncInfoFilter ( FastSyncInfoFilter[] filters)
          Create an AND filter from the given filters
FastSyncInfoFilter.CompoundSyncInfoFilter ( FastSyncInfoFilter[] filters)
          Create a compound filter that contains the provided filters.
FastSyncInfoFilter.OrSyncInfoFilter ( FastSyncInfoFilter[] filters)
          Create an OR filter from the given filters

Uses of FastSyncInfoFilter in

Methods in that return FastSyncInfoFilter
protected   FastSyncInfoFilter SynchronizeModelAction. getSyncInfoFilter ()
          Filter uses to filter the user selection to contain only those elements for which this action is enabled.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire