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Eclipse Draw2d

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConnectionAnchor
org.eclipse.draw2d Primary package containing general interfaces and implementation classes. 

Uses of ConnectionAnchor in org.eclipse.draw2d

Classes in org.eclipse.draw2d that implement ConnectionAnchor
 class AbstractConnectionAnchor
          Provides support for anchors which depend on a figure for thier location.
 class ChopboxAnchor
          The ChopboxAnchor's location is found by calculating the intersection of a line drawn from the center point of its owner's box to a reference point on that box.
 class ConnectionAnchorBase
          Provides support for a ConnectionAnchor.
 class EllipseAnchor
          Similar to a ChopboxAnchor, except this anchor is located on the ellipse defined by the owners bounding box.
 class LabelAnchor
          LabelAnchors must have an owner of type Label.
 class XYAnchor
          Supports an anchor in the XY layout.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d that return ConnectionAnchor
  ConnectionAnchor PolylineConnection. getSourceAnchor ()
  ConnectionAnchor PolylineConnection. getTargetAnchor ()
  ConnectionAnchor Connection. getSourceAnchor ()
          Returns the ConnectionAnchor at the source end of this Connection.
  ConnectionAnchor Connection. getTargetAnchor ()
          Returns the ConnectionAnchor at the target end of this Connection.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type ConnectionAnchor
 void PolylineConnection. anchorMoved ( ConnectionAnchor anchor)
          Called by the anchors of this connection when they have moved, revalidating this polyline connection.
 void PolylineConnection. setSourceAnchor ( ConnectionAnchor anchor)
          Sets the anchor to be used at the start of this polyline connection.
 void PolylineConnection. setTargetAnchor ( ConnectionAnchor anchor)
          Sets the anchor to be used at the end of the polyline connection.
 void Connection. setSourceAnchor ( ConnectionAnchor anchor)
          Sets the ConnectionAnchor to be used at the source end of this Connection.
 void Connection. setTargetAnchor ( ConnectionAnchor anchor)
          Sets the ConnectionAnchor to be used at the target end of this Connection.
 void AnchorListener. anchorMoved ( ConnectionAnchor anchor)
          Called when an anchor has moved to a new location.

Eclipse Draw2d

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire