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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME Quick Guide
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4.0 Managing Files and Folders

Use the Nautilus File Manager to create and view folders and documents, run scripts, and create CDs of your data. Open Nautilus by clicking Computer Nautilus . or by clicking your Home directory icon on the desktop. The contents of your home directory are displayed.

The elements of the Nautilus window include the following:

Menu: Use to perform most tasks.

Toolbar: Use to quickly navigate between files and folders, and to access files and folders.

Location Bar: Use to locate files, folders, and URI sites.

Side Pane: Use to navigate or display information about the selected file or folder. You can customize what is shown in the pane through the drop-down list. The list includes ways to view information about files, perform actions on file, add emblems to files, view a history of recently visited sites, and display your files in the Tree system.

View Pane: Displays folders and files. Use the options on the View menu to increase or decrease the size of content in the view pane and to display items as a list or as icons.

Status Bar: Displays the number of items in a folder and the available free space. When a file is selected, it displays the filename and size.

4.1 Archiving Folders

If you have files you have not used in a while but want to keep on your computer, you can compress the files into a tape archive (TAR) format.

  1. In the Nautilus view pane, right-click the folder you want to archive, then click Create Archive.

  2. Accept the default archive file name or enter a new name. Use the .tar.gz file extension for the most common form.

  3. Specify a location for the archive file, then click Create.

To extract an archived file, right-click the file and choose Extract Here.

4.2 Creating a CD/DVD

If your system has a CD or DVD read/writer drive, you can use the Nautilus file manager to burn CDs and DVDs.

  1. Click Computer More Applications Audio & Video GNOME CD/DVD Creator or insert a blank disc and click Create Data CD.

  2. Copy the files you want to put on the CD or DVD into the Nautilus CD/DVD Creator window.

  3. Click Write to Disc.

  4. Modify information in the Write to Disc dialog or accept the defaults, then click Write.

    The files are burned on the disc. This could take a few minutes, depending on the amount of data being burned and the speed of your burner.

You can also use the Banshee music player to burn audio and MP3 CDs.

4.3 Using Bookmarks

Use the Nautilus Bookmarks feature to mark your favorite folders.

  1. Select the folder or item you want to create a bookmark for.

  2. Click Bookmarks Add Bookmark . The bookmark is added to the list, with the folder name as the bookmark name. When you bookmark a file, it is the folder that is actually bookmarked.

  3. To select an item from your Bookmarks list, click Bookmarks, then click the desired bookmark in the list.

You can also organize your Bookmarks list by clicking Bookmarks Edit Bookmarks and making your selections in the dialog box.

To change the order of your bookmarks, click a bookmark and drag it to the desired location.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME Quick Guide
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire